Jamaica Gleaner

When did Munroe fall off Damascus horse?


THE EDITOR, Sir: IT APPEARS that Professor Trevor Munroe is no longer blind and deaf. He has resumed seeing and hearing, but it seems he has only one eye and one ear.

For how could Professor Munroe now be vocal about ‘integrity’ and ‘corruption’ when he was (or is still) a member of the most corrupt institutio­n in Jamaica, the People’s National Party (PNP)?

He was one of the founders of the Workers Party of Jamaica and wanted to foist communism on Jamaicans. I have never seen a country vote for this kind of governance. His ultimate goal was to have a single authoritar­ian party that controlled both the political and economic systems.

Professor Munroe was appointed an ‘independen­t’ senator by P.J. Patterson, and by 2002, he was a fully converted member of the PNP and was appointed a senator.

His attempt at representa­tional politics failed when he was beaten by Dr St Aubyn Bartlett in the Eastern St Andrew constituen­cy. He subsequent­ly claimed to no longer have an interest in representa­tional politics.

In the height of the PNP corruption, Professor Munroe was in the Senate, representi­ng them and beating the desk. He was also a member of the PNP executive.

I would like to find out from Professor Munroe when he had his Damascus Road moment? When did he change from Saul, the persecutor, to Paul, the preacher of the Gospel? How can we really take this man seriously when he comes before us now washing his hand clean like Pontius Pilate? JACK BROWN jack.e.brown1973@gmail.com

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