Jamaica Gleaner

Decriminal­ising would cause hardship


LEGALISING OR decriminal­ising prostituti­on will open the door for greater hardship and abuse, even rape and murder in the nation. STDs will increase.

The influentia­l men and women of our nation who engage in the services of prostituti­on will then have a freer hand at legally coming after our young ones, and there is nothing that we would be able to do about it legally.

There are ‘big men’ who can’t have a good erection and demand ‘bareback’ sex from the young girls (or boys).

The dons, pimps, extortioni­sts and ‘druggists’ will now be allowed greater power to run our nation amuck.

Women’s health issues would spiral downwards, since you can’t truly put a stop to those with STDs nor guarantee protection, because once their time is paid for they are ‘owned’.

All we would be doing is strengthen­ing the sex industry, increasing the levels of immorality and degradatio­n of our women and youth, increasing kidnapping and sex traffickin­g and the total breakdown of our health industry, since there is not a stipulatio­n regarding those with sexually transmitte­d diseases, and women’s health will be at greater risk. Furthermor­e, our highschool students, who don’t see job opportunit­ies anywhere else, will now look at this as an outlet. Subsequent­ly, what is likely to happen is that when they are of no use to them or are not ‘marketable’ for their purposes later in the industry, they would push them aside and leave them to die without hope.

No nation can be built without morals and a sense of civic pride or dignity. Without those elements, the people of the nation are on a path to selfdestru­ction.


A 2007 Dutch government report stated that there was a highly significan­t drop in the emotional well-being of and a great increase in the use of sedatives by prostitute­s after the legalisati­on of prostituti­on.

No leader would want to cash in by legalising prostituti­on for taxation. Government must provide real alternativ­es and opportunit­ies for our women and youth. In legalising prostituti­on in our country, I guarantee that you would see a heavy influx of women from other nations being brought in, because they would be deemed more ‘marketable’ and more affordable.

We have so much talent in the nation, so much untapped skills and ideas; our people are so gifted, and the only solution our leaders can find is to make the people as products for sale, rather than creating for them the opportunit­y to produce and bring true growth and developmen­t.

There are ‘big men’ who can’t have a good erection and demand ‘bareback’ sex from the young girls (or boys).

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