Jamaica Gleaner

We need solutions, not prostituti­on


ANYONE WITHIN a nation who wants to legalise prostituti­on should be considered an enemy to the nation’s progress. Who in the society would want their sons and daughters involved in prostituti­on? What we as a nation should do instead is to create opportunit­ies for our people to be employed and learn a skill, motivating them to respect their bodies, their values and maintain dignity.

Many of those involved in prostituti­on will be the first to tell you that they don’t want to be involved in it, but they engage only because they are desperate to survive and often have no other support system. Many are single mothers, others are members of prominent churches.

Many leaders in society are too lazy to take the step and come up with solutions to create opportunit­ies for the people. They are, instead, quick to come up with answers that call for very little effort on their part and doesn’t do much (if anything at all) to truly advance their people and nation.

Some leaders pretend as if they care about our women and youth or are championin­g gender issues, but from time immemorial until now, they are using the women and children as a front and they don’t really care about them. Some are in it for what they can get out of it themselves, not because they truly care about the wellbeing of the people.

Our leaders and our people should be getting together to discuss how to bring out the gifts and talents within the nation for sustainabl­e developmen­t and to create hope, rather than debating whether or not to legalise or decriminal­ise activities which degrade, demoralise and diminish the value and dignity of our women and youth especially.

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