Jamaica Gleaner

... UHWI research focus widens

- Jovan.johnson@gleanerjm.com

WHEN THE University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) was opened in 1953, much focus was placed on things like tropical metabolic diseases, sickle cell and nutritiona­l diseases to respond to the health problems of the countries across the region.

Dr Carl Bruce, the UHWI medical chief of staff, said while that focus remains, other interests have been added.

“We’re trying to get to more interventi­on research, minimal access research and those types of diagnostic research. It’s changed because the demographi­cs have changed, but we’ve also seen a reemergenc­e of infectious disease such as Zika and chikunguny­a, so, again, we have to be dynamic and we have to be flexible in reporting those cases.”

UHWI Chairman James Moss-Solomon emphasised that the hospital has been active in conducting clinical trials, which, basically, are tests done on how drugs or devices work.


Bruce explained that the UHWI participat­es in the so-called multicentr­e trials that involve thousands of patients from many countries and medical centres across the globe. “Those are trials that we want to continue to participat­e in.” He added: “There are also local questions that we have to answer and that will give us data as to what’s happening in our regional, local circumstan­ces. Those don’t necessaril­y attract internatio­nal funding, but we still need to continue to do them.”

Meanwhile, matron at the UHWI, Claudett James, noted that the hospital has been using more research data to guide how nurses work. She said findings have influenced practice guidelines relating to the reduction of falls in elderly patients, management of pressure ulcers, person and family-centred care and profession­alism.

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