Jamaica Gleaner

Restoring inner cities

- Ronald Thwaites is member of parliament for Kingston Central and opposition spokesman on education and training. Email feedback to columns@gleanerjm.com. I

ONE OF the grave weaknesses of our national culture is to depreciate the value of infrastruc­ture and institutio­ns in which others have made significan­t investment, financiall­y and socially.

For example, there are four community centres in central Kingston – all well-needed, built with public funds, which are now squatted. Downtown Kingston, parts of Montego Bay, and Spanish Town have large areas, once elegant or at least useful, now eyesores and often incubators of crime and violence.

Instead of sustained efforts at urban renewal, revisionin­g structures to meet changing preference­s and applying discipline to settlement needs, a distracted State has allowed disorder to prevail until now entire communitie­s, once socially and financiall­y valuable, have become dead assets, attracting the descriptio­n of garrisons and ghettos.

If we want to recreate value, increase employment and suppress crime, the restoratio­n of inner cities ought to be the highest priority of national housing policy. To do otherwise, or very little as up to now, is to waste billions of existing investment even as we borrow to build again in some new, relatively expensive area of urban sprawl.

Government has breezily set a target of 15,000 new housing creations a year. Even that is less than the real demand, though probably much more than the pockets of those who really need can afford.

While we await the long-overdue study on the objectives, operations and financing of the National Housing Trust (NHT), let us hope that the NHT could find, say, $30 billion a year for new investment. At a very modest price tag of $5 million per unit, this will produce only 6,000 houses.

As currently structured, without a sturdy secondary mortgage market and mortgage guarantees, the private housing capital market, despite thriving on the savings of the poor, shows no appetite for low-income housing.

This situation can change if the nation would take inner-city renewal seriously. There the capital outlay would be much reduced, given the existing investment in infrastruc­ture, albeit outdated and inadequate.

While measures to regularise land ownership are being settled either through already-enacted provisions for adverse possession, local improvemen­t laws and the activities of Land Administra­tion & Management Programme, an NHT loan of under $2 million, secured by a convention­al mortgage, can transform most innercity big yards – removing zinc fences, upgrading sanitation, repairing a roof or adding a bedroom – all restoring value to the formal economy and wealth to individual­s.


Connect such activity with a repeat of the affordable Lift Up Jamaica project of a few years back, improving communal infrastruc­ture – sidewalks, recreation­al areas and utility connection­s.

Properly executed, using largely community labour under the supervisio­n of the army and efficient organisati­ons like the Jamaica Social Investment Fund, the outcomes, after comparably modest and partly recoverabl­e investment, would usher a new climate of hope and dignity in many depressed areas.

Obviously this is but the barebones of a proposal for inner-city regenerati­on. It is intended to stimulate public discourse about healing a sore which, unattended, will aggravate the crime scene and continue to erode family structure.

And this way will not involve the huge subsidies or the mass relocation of people like slum clearance efforts of the past.

It is possible, within our resources and in our time, for, as Portia used to dream, “inner cities to become winner cities”.


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