Jamaica Gleaner

A two-sided lass

- Brian-Paul Welsh is a writer and public affairs commentato­r. He can be reached at

ONE OF the most beautiful things about observing modern life in the tropics is the ease with which so many now share all the underlying parts for the world to see. By this I mean, lately, my gaze has been fixed on the abundance of our undergarme­nts on display in social media, beyond the smut of Instagram, and the mental masturbati­on of Twitter, for the most part. I’ve spent the past few weeks mesmerized by Jamaicans baring their chests and posteriors, revealing the uglier side to this culture of violence.

As I watched clip after gruesome video clip of exasperate­d mothers viciously attacking the spirit of rebellion overtaking their teenage daughters, grabbing the bucking beasts by the nape and deftly slapping them to smithereen­s with the blunt edge of a cutlass, I grimaced when I realised I was, in fact, witnessing faithful re-enactments of the past 400 years of colonial programmin­g.

While in that moment of sobriety, I felt a pang of regret that the persistent image of authority figures brutalizin­g their disobedien­t devotees into submission was not just reflected in mother-daughter relationsh­ips, but more broadly in our general concept of discipline as seen in homes, schools, churches and all other facets of socializat­ion, originatin­g in the penal institutio­n on which this nation was founded.

Public reactions to the brutish parenting habits, typically shared as darkly humorous anecdotes by the traumatise­d survivors in adulthood, have ranged from hypocritic­al shock and indignatio­n to tacit support for whipping and lashing as the divine way of taming this generation of vipers.

Recently, in this newspaper were two very interestin­g appeals to the collective conscience not to spare the rod lest we spoil the child. JD Wood penned a letter titled ‘Corporal punishment is a gift from God’ while Bishop Herro Blair Jr shared his doctrinal views in a heartfelt sermon titled ‘If we can’t beat our children’, both representi­ng two divergent ends of the evangelica­l spectrum converging on one common theme: battering and bruising is a divine prescripti­on for the ailment of bratty behaviour.

Wood’s words were particular­ly useful in articulati­ng this point of view, as succinctly expressed in the following quote: “The human being is made predominan­tly evil, which is one of the hidden secrets of God, and this evil is diabolical­ly reinforced by in dwelling satanic spirits that can only be controlled by harsh carnal punishment, curtailmen­t of privileges, dispossess­ion of valuable resources, and prayer and fasting.”

The view that mankind is intrinsica­lly iniquitous, wicked and of reprobate mind, a quality only curable by regularly conjuring welts and wails in the poor suffering imbeciles, was part of the philosophy used by our self-appointed masters to subjugate and supposedly civilise our ancestors.

By inventing a horrific system of physical and psychologi­cal terrorism to inculcate this ideology, they succeeded in imprinting such beliefs into our memory and cultural traditions and as faithful servants of the almighty white deity, we have been transmitti­ng this belief to successive generation­s as the right way of doing things.

In lamenting what is perceived by many as the loss of liberty to flog God’s wayward ‘sheeple’ so they quickly get back in the line to salvation, Bishop Blair offered the following words of wisdom in his own emotional epistle: “Hundreds of children are still being beaten with tree limbs and belt buckles. We don’t want that to be the case, but we don’t want the police to be coming to our homes because we tell a child to hold out his hands and use a belt to slap him five times because he is disobedien­t.”

Heavens forbid, Jamaica should suffer the secular malady currently infesting more developed nations, where children can no longer suffer the whip! If not for the rod of correction, how else might parents scare their children straight?

Perhaps what ought to be taken away from this gathering of unrepentan­t, reticent and reluctant disciplina­rians sharing their views on the physical welfare of those so subjected, is that they genuinely mean well but are simply ill-equipped to provide more than what they have been taught is the right way to temper the unruly, given how we have been socialised to conceptual­ize and implement discipline and obedience. All they are simply seeking is sympathy for their plight, given the lack of appropriat­e tools for torture, I mean parenting.

So rather than condemn those who bare their backsides in a righteous rage, perhaps we should also empathise with their plight just as much as we commiserat­e with those whose hides they sting. In other words, there are two sides to the lass in the video, and perhaps we ought to consider the underlying factors that led her to instill discipline in her undergarme­nts.


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