Jamaica Gleaner

Shenelle and Samantha


SOMETIMES, IF persons are raised in a less-than-ideal environmen­t, it can make establishi­ng healthy, long-lasting relationsh­ips such as friendship­s difficult. They may find it hard to trust others or share sensitive aspects of themselves with anyone else. However, if they find a kindred spirit with similar experience­s, they can overcome those struggles and end up with lifelong friendship­s. Such is the tale of Shenelle Stewart and Samantha Beckford. They take this week’s Face-Off challenge to show just how far they have come.

The Scale 5/5 – Inseparabl­e 3-4/5 – Good friends 1-2/5 – Friends

Youthlink (YL): If you and your best friend had super powers, what would they be and why?

Shenelle: I would definitely want to fly. It would help us get to places faster. Sammy would pick something along the same lines.

Samantha: We would both would have speed and teleportat­ion. Shen is always late and I am too, sometimes, so I think those would be very helpful. She will probably choose those too.

YL: Do you think growing up in an under-resourced community has made your relationsh­ip stronger?

Shenelle: Yes, because we are able to understand each other better, being from the same area.

Samantha: Well, if we did not grow up that way, I don’t think we would be such good friends so, yes.

YL: What is the strangest thing about your bestfriend?

Shenelle: Oh, her bag. She carries this one-shoulder bag that looks like a compositio­n book. It is so weird. I am sure Sam is going to say that I am goofy.

Samantha: She laughs at a lot of things that I really do not find funny; I just cannot get the joke. She hates my compositio­n-book bag, so I am sure she will pick that.

YL: What is one characteri­stic that your best friend has that you would want everyone else to have?

Shenelle: Samantha is a very good listener and I really wish everyone was like that.

She laughs at a lot of things that I really do not find funny; I just cannot get the joke. She hates my compositio­n-book bag, so I am sure she will pick that.

the Samantha:world would Shenellebe a betteris an place extremelyi­f everyone helpful was person like and that. I think

YL: If your best friend could do one thing for the rest of her life, what would it be and why?

Shenelle: I am not sure exactly what it would be, but I know it would have something to do with charity.

Samantha: Well, like I said, she loves to help people so I think if she got the chance, that would be what she would do, just help people however she could.

Total: 5/5 Position on the scale: Inseparabl­e

These two really do know each other inside out. Such bonds are essential in life and if you find someone to share such a bond with, it is extremely important to nurture that bond and have a blast watching it grow.

If you and your friend are interested in taking part in Face-Off, contact shannon.amoy@gmail.com to be in the next issue.

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