Jamaica Gleaner



Acts 3 — This is a time of refreshing. Do not leave my presence until you receive the refreshing. The time for signs and wonders is here. Are you ready to receive that anointing? I will be pouring it out. All five-fold ministries that are functionin­g for and focused on fame and power, God will visit with them. Many are not living holy, for the Lord says that they have not hallowed His name, nor are they pleasing Him. He says they must remember Matthew 7: 22 - 23. The Lord says that his people should study carefully the Book of Revelation, and in particular, Revelation 11 and Revelation 17. We also see the manifestat­ion and the emergence of the apostate church (falling stars). How many are willing to go? — India, Africa, China, and Russia are calling. The Caribbean is calling also. Many of you have lost your zeal. Saith the Lord, “I will visit you and pull you out of your comfort zone. I will make the provisions for you to go. Come before Me and seek Me. Many have fallen before Me behind closed doors. I see your lifestyle. Are you ready to go into the world? I have sent you , and you have not gone. Are you ready? I am preparing you to go into the mission field. “Many will go from country to country with missionari­es to reap the harvest. All true believers, prepare yourselves! This is the time of the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit. (Joel 2:28) the harvest is ripe. Many call My name and lift their hands, but their hearts are not with Me. Some of the ministers are not living right. “Walk upright and holy before Me! I have seen your deeds — they are not hidden.

“I shall expose your doings if you do not turn from your wicked ways,” says the Lord. He has called them together to renew their vows and consecrate them. “Some have other women with their wives. I am now ready,” says God, “to pour into you and renew your vows. Many have gone after filthy lucre, but I will abundantly pardon.” The Lord says He is going to refill and renew them. The time for change has come. Many have no example to follow, and that is why the unsaved behave the way they do. A great revival will break out locally and globally, and no one should try to hinder God’s work. For the Lord says that it is time for the people to stop worshippin­g idols and serve the true and living God. Apostles, evangelist­s and prophets will be chosen and sent to many nations. God is now ready to forgive, cleanse, wash, purge, renew, and bless! A wind of change is coming. God wants to restore leaders, and all of us, to a more dedicated life of working for Him. Be faithful, trustworth­y, holy, loving and caring toward each other. We are His voice on earth. Therefore, our lifestyle must be pleasing to Him.

God is getting ready to purge the churches. Many will be leaving, but many more will be coming in as they leave. Shepherds need to guard the flock, as grievous wolves will be rising up. The Lord says, “another step” He is calling the Body of Christ to take another step of faith, another step of holiness, another step of readiness because the rapture can be any time. Another step of Soul winning. John 10 — this is the season of exposure. It will be the true shepherds versus wolves and hirelings and false sheep. In the same way that we have false prophets, we alsi have false sheep. True sheep know the true shepherd’s voice. False sheep follow false shepherds. If they were true, they would have a desire for the Word. True sheep stay in God’s presence and study His word, and will not be easily deceived. There is great deception coming. The true heart will know His voice while the false hear will follow others. We will see the rise of the Pharisees because they were not true sheep. God is calling His people to a place of intimacy with Him, so that He can speak to them. There is serious deception ahead. The Lord says, “Take note of Psalm 33: 10 - 12 which says “The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generation­s. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as His own inheritanc­e” Note also Proverbs 19: 21 which reminds us, “There are many plans in a man’s heart, neverthele­ss the Lord’s counsel—that will stand.” Something is about to happen worldwide that will wake up the Body of Christ and cause a united move in the right direction. Many true prophets of God are about to be persecuted, as the prophet Jeremiah was persecuted. Are you ready for change that is coming? Who is on the Lord’s side? The Lord is speaking more in this very hour. “Who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying,” says the Lord. For God is about to break the backs of all nation leaders. He is about to manifest in ways we have not seen before, and it will pass on from one generation to the next.

- The Prophecies given are for 2018 onward.God can choose to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending, subject to the repentance of nations and individual­s. Jonah 3: 5— 10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7—11; Amos 7: 3—6; II Kings 20: 1—11 and I Corinthian­s 13: 9. Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6). He changes Times and Seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20— 23).

There is a rising of ministers of music that God is causing to take place and they will be anointed and ordained pastors, apostles, and ministers. They are required to live lives that are holy before the Lord even behind closed doors. The songs of praise and of worship that will come forth through them will be songs that reveal the heart of God. An uncommon outpouring is happening, and God is giving an opportunit­y now to those current Christian artistes to be a part of this new move that God Himself is making — Meanwhile, He is allowing those who have been on the “back side of the desert” — those who have waited for years unnoticed and who stood under the processing of God - those who have been waiting on the timing of God and receiving songs and sounds of music from Him — stay in His Presence, you are about to come forth in His timing — remain humble before Him.

A shift is occurring even as we speak, and instead of Christian entertaine­rs, He — God — is preparing True Worshipper­s to release His sound for the end time. God is stirring and consecrati­ng those who will be UNASHAMED and UNAFRAID to declare the Sovereignt­y, Majesty, Power and Awesome Omnipotenc­e, Omnipresen­ce and Omniscienc­e of our God! He will bestow greatness upon them to bring TOTAL glory to His name and as they remain humble before Him and study His word, then they will increase in His Spirit daily and innumerabl­e souls will yield to Him. Many hearts and minds will be healed and souls won for Him — God!

Christian individual­s been There Artistes speaking - are that - groups those to the and Lord and using has different their attention circumstan­ces and let them to get know cut back that on He their needs tours them and to internatio­nal performanc­es and spend time in His Presence so that He can speak to them; because He wants to use them beyond what they currently do, to reach them beyond what they (the artistes) see. The Lord says He needs them to recognise/be reminded that they are souls before they are their fans.

The Lord says that these Christian artistes can no longer just go to a performanc­e - they need to recognise the significan­ce of what they do and more importantl­y, their role as they stand before the souls the Lord is allowing them to reach. They must ensure that they are covered as they go out and ensure that their families are covered before they leave — especially the male Christian artistes. The female Christian artistes must ensure that their head covers them. All must ensure that there are genuine intercesso­rs praying for them at all times — but especially when they are doing live performanc­es, particular­ly (but not only) in other nations.

Do not lay hands on everyone simply because they are there, The Lord must direct you, especially in this season — because you can get hit spirituall­y and be defeated by the enemy.

African, Latin and Caribbean Christian worship and praise music is about to rise to the fore in unpreceden­ted ways among the general audience and move beyond the comfortabl­e place. These worshipper­s must seek to learn other languages, because the Lord is going to use them beyond those who speak their own language.

God wants to take worship to another level that breaks the barriers of language and culture and He needs all the Worshipper to be ready to do this. Some will begin to speak and understand languages that are not their native tongue. An uncommon outpouring is taking place, and we must position ourselves to receive it!

The Lord is calling upon Christian entertaine­rs to ensure that souls, prayer and feeding of the poor must be the priority; and there must be unity like never before.

God is stirring and consecrati­ng those who will be UNASHAMED and UNAFRAID to declare the Sovereignt­y, Majesty, Power and Awesome Omnipotenc­e, Omnipresen­ce and Omniscienc­e of our God!

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