Jamaica Gleaner

Crime fight a major legislativ­e focus

The Jamaica Labour Party Government is moving to pass a raft of legislativ­e measures designed to tackle crime.


IN THE wake of frightenin­g levels of crime resulting in the murder of 1,616 people, the ruling Jamaica Labour Par ty Government is moving to pass a raf t of l egislative measures designed to i mprove crime - fighting efforts and to better enable the security forces to clamp down on criminals.

The following are the legislativ­e tools that the Government intends to table in Parliament for passage this year:

Police Service Act: This Act will replace the Constabula­ry Force Act and provide for the modernisat­ion and transforma­tion of the Jamaica Constabula­ry Force into a modern intelligen­ce led police service that ensures citizen security, with stronger systems of administra­tion, management and internal discipline

Merger of the Police Services Commission and the Police Civilian Oversight Authority: This will require amendments to the Constituti­on that relate to the Police Services Commission Firearms (Amendment) Act: This Bill will seek to amend the primar y legislatio­n by making provisions relating to the following: a. The establishm­ent of criminal offences pertaining to the illicit manufactur­ing of and traffick ing in firearms in keeping with Jamaica’s internatio­nal obligation­s; b. Effective control and security measures, including the disposal of firearms, in order to prevent theft and diversion to usage in criminal ac tivities; and c. Ensuring that the revised Firearms Act is compatible with internatio­nal standards and obligation­s of the Government of Jamaica Finger Prints (Amendment) Act: Amendments to the Finger Prints Act will seek to strengthen the forensic investigat­ive powers and capacity of law enforcemen­t agencies. One of the proposed amendments includes a provision to allow the taking of finger prints from objects left in public spaces. The Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Act (POCA): The main purpose of the amendments to POCA is to ensure compliance with the recommenda­tions emanating from the Caribbean Financial Action Taskforce Mutual Evaluation of Jamaica, conducted in 2016; as well as to update the Act f or greater effectiven­ess. Regulation­s will also be developed for the Asset

Recovery Incentivis­ation Scheme (ARIS) to guide the use of the funds recovered for national developmen­t

Criminal Justice (Suppressio­n of Criminal Organizati­ons) Act: This l aw will be reviewed in accordance with legislativ­e requiremen­ts to review same within three years of its enactment The Parole (Amendment) Ac t: The amendments to the Parole Act will seek to update, modernise and strengthen the legislatio­n to bring it in line with current trends, internatio­nal standards and best practices.

Amendments to the Immigratio­n Restrictio­n (Common wealth Citizens) Act; Aliens Act; and the attendant Regulation­s: The proposed amendments seek to focus on stricter penalties giving the immigratio­n officer more robust authority; and the use of an automated Border Control System, among other things. The Correction­s (Amend

ment) Act: Amendments to the Correction­s Act will seek to update and strengthen the law and make it more aligned to current trends. The provisions will include, inter alia, provisions for a new definition of communicat­ion that takes into considerat­ion modern technologi­cal advances and increases in existing penalties for breaches. The Justice Protection (Amendment) Bill: Amendments to the legislatio­n will seek to provide for greater protection of witnesses. The amendments will also strengthen the Government’s capabiliti­es and effectiven­ess for the provision of services to protect witnesses.

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