Jamaica Gleaner

PM need not reinvent wheel on INDECOM


EITHER PRIME Minister Andrew Holness has been woefully inattentiv­e on the INDECOM issue or is afraid to commit the authority of his office on one side or the other, waiting to determine which way the political winds are blowing.

That’s not a posture good for the PM, or Jamaica, as it risks underminin­g accountabi­lity on the part of the security forces, thereby further weakening trust and confidence in the agencies of law enforcemen­t.

Mr Holness should already have thrown his support behind amendments to the INDECOM law to clarify the agency’s powers of prosecutio­n and arrest.

INDECOM (the Independen­t Commission of Investigat­ions) is the eight-year-old agency that probes allegation­s of misconduct on the part of members of the Jamaica Defence Force and the Jamaica Constabula­ry Force, including, as a matter of routine, all cases of fatal shootings by the police. The agency was launched because of the long history of complaints about extrajudic­ial killings by Jamaica’s police and a deeply entrenched view that the cops were never any good at investigat­ing anyone, much less themselves. Experiment­s with supposedly independen­t bodies, whose investigat­ors where beholden to the police, proved to be colossal failures.


INDECOM, under its uncompromi­sing leader Terrence Williams, has had a profound impact on the behaviour of police officers. Police homicides, previously upwards of 200 annually, have been halved, and the agency has been unafraid to haul suspected recalcitra­nts before the courts. Not surprising­ly, INDECOM is not much liked by significan­t numbers of police officers who, having found that they are no longer above the law, complained that the agency’s no-nonsense approach sapped the confidence of crime fighters, who risk their lives confrontin­g gangsters.

Understand­ably, in high-crime Jamaica, where there were 1,616 murders in 2017, such sentiments have support among significan­t swathes of the population, including politician­s, who see the police as a large and influentia­l voting bloc.

Ten days ago, the Court of Appeal ruled that INDECOM didn’t have the power it felt it had in statute. While its officials, like any other citizen at common law, may arrest and prosecute a police officer for any offence he is presumed to have committed, they couldn’t do so as agents of INDECOM. The commission, as an institutio­n, had no powers of arrest and prosecutio­n and, therefore, could offer no institutio­nal protection to anyone purporting to do so in its name.


Prime Minister Holness told this newspaper he wished to study the court’s findings before pronouncin­g on the matter. However, the court ruling is not complex.

The PM plans, it seems, to establish a parliament­ary committee to study the matter. That, on the face of it, is a reasonable position. Except, been there, done that.

In 2013, as is required under the INDECOM Act, a combined committee from Parliament’s two chambers began a review of the legislatio­n. They completed their work in October 2015. Among their recommenda­tions was amending the law to clarify INDECOM’s powers, which had been challenged i n the courts, to “institute and under take criminal proceeding­s”, “and to undertake criminal proceeding­s pursuant” to the act. Further, the committee recommende­d that it be made clear that INDECOM staff had “the powers to arrest as given by the l aw to a constable” and to “lay criminal charges and serve summonses”.

Mr Holness must know of that report as well as the long-standing debate over INDECOM’s powers. There is no need to attempt to reinvent the wheel. It is for Parliament to decide whether it will implement the recommenda­tions of its committee and for Mr Holness, the leader, to signal the direction he intends his Government to take.

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