Jamaica Gleaner

Internatio­nal trade and balance of payments

- YVONNE HARVEY Contributo­r Yvonne Harvey is an independen­t contributo­r. Send questions and comments to kerry-ann.hepburn@gleanerjm.com

HELLO AGAIN. This is the penultimat­e lesson on social accounting and global trade. It consists of internatio­nal trade and a portion of balance of payments.


When countries buy goods and services from each other, and/or sell goods and services to each other, this is referred to as internatio­nal trade. Internatio­nal trade is thus trade among countries.

Internatio­nal trade is the largest scale in the developmen­t of division of labour and specialisa­tion, wherein countries specialise in the goods and services that they can produce best and at the lowest cost, then trade with other countries to get the goods and services that they do not specialise in. You may ask: Why did internatio­nal trade develop? Let us consider the reasons for internatio­nal trade.


1. Climate and soil type difference­s. Not all countries have the same climate and soil conditions. Different crops will grow where the climate and soil type differ.

2. Natural resources. These can only be mined where they are found, e.g., bauxite. Some countries are rich in mineral resources; others have little or none at all.

3. Special skills of the labour force. The type of labour determines what is produced. For example, France produces fashions (clothes), cologne and various types of cheese because the labour force has special skills and aptitude in these areas.

4. Lack of quantity and quality of local goods. Very often, countries import goods and services because what they produce locally is not enough for local needs and/or because the quality falls short of what is desirable.

5. Increased transporta­tion and communicat­ion.

These have made trading on a worldwide scale much easier.

6. Access to a wider variety of goods and services.

Wider variety pleases consumers and results in an increase in their standard of living. The same is true for countries.

7. Foreign exchange. This is gained from exports and is used to pay for imports.

8. World output increases. This allows the problem of scarcity to be reduced.

9. Cheaper goods and services. Countries may import goods and services because they are cheaper than goods and services sold locally.


Internatio­nal trade refers to trade among different countries of the world. When countries trade with each other, a record is kept of the financial transactio­ns between them. This record is known as the balance of payments. It is a statement of the trade which takes place between a country’s residents (individual­s, businesses and the government) and the residents of all foreign countries. Therefore, Jamaica’s balance of payments shows all the payments we receive from other countries and all payments which we make to them.

There are three components of the balance of payments account:

The current account

The capital account

The official financing account

We are going to analyse each account in turn. Please note that in all parts of the balance of payments account, exports and income are given a plus (+) sign, and imports and payments are given a minus (-) sign.


This section of the balance of payments is divided into two parts: The visible trade account The invisible trade account

The visible trade account records the tangible items, i.e., the imports and exports of goods only. The difference between the money value of goods imported and goods exported is known as the visible trade balance or the balance of trade. This balance may be a plus (+) surplus or a minus (-) deficit. If exports exceed imports, the result will be a surplus or a favourable balance of trade. On the other hand, if imports exceed exports, there will be a deficit or unfavourab­le balance of trade.

The invisible trade account records the intangible items, i.e., the imports and exports of services, tourist expenditur­e and income, income from investment­s abroad and paid to investment­s abroad. The services include shipping, aviation and financial services. The balance on this account is known as the invisible balance and it will be a plus (+) favourable if exports (income) of the intangible items exceed the imports. Now you can work out for yourselves what will result in a minus (-) on this account.

The overall current account balance is the difference between our exports of goods and services and the imports of goods and services. As with the visible and invisible balances, the overall current balance may be favourable or unfavourab­le.


This account records capital flow, i.e., loans and grants to and from other countries, investment­s bought and sold. (Note that the income from investment­s is recorded in the invisibles of the current account.) As with the current account balance, the capital account balance may be favourable or unfavourab­le.

Now we need to consider the overall balance of payments figure. This takes into account the current account balance and the capital account balance. If, overall, the exports exceed the imports, the overall balance of payments will be a surplus (+) and if, overall, the imports exceed the exports, the overall balance will be a deficit (-). This means that the country spent more than it earned.

Next week, I will continue with the balance of payments and give you some questions on the topic. Keep safe until then.

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