Jamaica Gleaner

Think before you speak

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WE MUST understand that words play a vital role in our well-being. Anthony spent 20 years behind bars because he had to ‘deal wid di a bway’ who ‘dissed’ his mother.

So deeply hurt was Anthony over the comment made about his mother that he lost self-control and committed a crime. He admitted, in retrospect, that he lacked wisdom but “wen somet’ing hurt yuh, yuh doan even have time fi tink”. And that is why people should think before they speak.

James admonishes us to “... be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow

to anger” as we interact with others in private, corporate and public spaces, inclusive of Gordon House.

Sometimes we foolishly take on the persona of tigers, bears, lions, snakes and dogs at the onset of a disagreeme­nt. To lower oneself to those levels of existence is an affront to the Creator, who made us with the intelligen­ce and capacity to build and care for one another.

The next time you are tempted to use derogatory words to another human being, stop and think of the negative impact it may have on the individual and the repercussi­on which may follow. Do the intelligen­t thing: overcome evil with good, and you’ll be glad you did.

Put a smile on the face of someone on the list below and you’ll be sure to wear one, also.


Neighbour – donation towards neighbour’s medication. Neighbour – for purchasing food for neighbours. Neighbour – for clothing.


Single mother just did surgery and reaching out to neighbours for help – needs food and help for daughter attending high school. Unemployed senior citizen – needs a stove to cook her food. Pastor Rose, St Mary – asking for food supplies and utensils to help provide food for the hungry in the community.

Kevauhn – asking for a sewing machine for his mother; also asking for a second-hand laptop.

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