Jamaica Gleaner

The infrastruc­ture revolution


THE FOCUS on public-private partnershi­ps (PPPs), as articulate­d by Prime Minister Andrew Holness, has taken another step in the ongoing efforts to bridge Jamaica’s infrastruc­ture gap.

Infrastruc­ture deficit, being the difference between what a country has and what it really needs, has been hampering Jamaica’s growth for many decades. Successive government­s have long acknowledg­ed that infrastruc­ture developmen­t is necessary to move the country forward and achieve sustainabl­e prosperity.

However, decades of underinves­tment in the road network, for example, means that there is now a breathless scramble to catch up, as multiple projects are being undertaken all at once to the discomfort and sometimes inconvenie­nce of the commuting public.

But the demands for new and improved infrastruc­ture could not easily be satisfied by a government straddled by huge debt commitment­s. Besides, the traditiona­l sources of borrowing, taxes and aid were never going to be enough to address the scale of investment required.

Moreover, the local private sector has tended to shy away from large infrastruc­ture projects, maybe because of their demand for upfront constructi­on financing, or the fact that they are long-term in nature and are vulnerable to policy changes and environmen­tal impact.


New platforms of investment were, therefore, needed to fill the gap. Resource-rich countries like China have responded with a virtual infrastruc­ture revolution in the developing world. In 2017 alone, China offered a US$60-billion loan and aid package to Africa, which includes creating new trade routes, as well as reviving old ones throughout the Middle East and Asia. Despite criticisms that it is engaging in debt-trap diplomacy, China barrels on with investment in more than 30 African nations.

Here in Jamaica, we have witnessed a swirl of frenetic road-building and constructi­on projects being executed by the Chinese, who pride themselves on being very competitiv­e.

But as the Government taps into PPPs for resources to meet its developmen­t goals, criticisms of poor labour practices and lack of environmen­tal safeguards against the Chinese have been convenient­ly ignored.

This week, too, the Government celebrated another PPP project relating to the divestment of the Norman Manley Internatio­nal Airport to a Mexican entity that will undertake a US$100million modernisat­ion of the island’s oldest airport. Under a 25-year concession agreement, the Mexicans will make improvemen­ts, thus enhancing aviation and tourism.

It is no secret that negotiatio­ns for the divestment of the Norman Manley Internatio­nal Airport have been taking place over many years. We understand that the complex bidding process takes time and that the legal and administra­tive elements have to be properly covered, but we wonder whether the Government did enough to lift red tape in order to expedite that project. To facilitate these huge infrastruc­ture projects, transparen­cy and speed are of paramount importance.

Successful implementa­tion of other PPPs such as the divestment of the Port of Kingston and the constructi­on of the North-South Highway are indicators of the seriousnes­s of this Government in closing the infrastruc­ture gap. Bringing these projects to a successful conclusion will provide economic benefits and be a boost to investor confidence, and will hopefully spur other developmen­t across land, air and seas.

Lessons learnt from PPP agreements should be heeded going forward. For example: How to balance the interest of investors against the consumers’ interest? Is the project economical? Is it necessary?

Let’s take the North-South Highway as an example. The high toll charged to use the highway has been a source of discontent among the travelling public. Even with an independen­t regulatory authority, there is concern that the steep increases are unwarrante­d.

It is instructiv­e that Sierra Leone has recently cancelled a US$300-million Chinese contract to build a new airport. The aviation ministry reportedly said it was “uneconomic­al to proceed with the constructi­on of a new airport when the existing one is grossly underutili­sed”.

At the end of the day, infrastruc­ture developmen­t undertaken by Government will remain for the people’s benefit. These infrastruc­ture projects have to be relevant, necessary and well-thought-out in order for the country to enjoy the long-term benefits.

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