Jamaica Gleaner



Take this Super Quiz to a PhD. Score one point for each correct answer on the Freshman Level, two points on the Graduate Level and three points on the PhD Level.


(e.g., This animal’s name means ‘man of the forest’. Answer: Orangutan.)


1. This bird was incorrectl­y believed to bury its head in the sand when frightened.

2. Which element is indicated by the symbol O?

3. This pseudoscie­nce attempts to foretell the future by reading lines on the hand.

4. Which animal serves as the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund?

5. Valencia and Hamlin are two varieties of ______.


6. Term for the chemistry of carbon compounds.

7. In which part of the body is insulin manufactur­ed?

8. Circuits can be wired in series or in ______.

9. Martha was the last survivor of this now extinct type of pigeon. 10. Term for the process by which air escapes from a football.


11. Dowager’s hump is a hallmark of this bone disorder.

12. Otology is concerned with diseases of the ____.

13. Who was the first person to win two individual Nobel prizes?

14. Fish have four basic types of fins: dorsal, anal, tail and ____.

15. Term for the study of unusual mental abilities that cannot be explained by traditiona­l science.

1. Madagascar. 2. Baltic Sea. 3. Red Sea. 4. Straits of Mackinac.

5. Murray River. 6. New Guinea.

7. Morocco. 8. Niagara Falls. 9. Bahrain.

24 to 30 points – congratula­tions, doctor; 18 to 23 points – honours graduate; 13 to 17 points – you’re plenty smart, but no grind; 5 to 12 points – you really should hit the books harder; 1 point to 4 points – enrol in remedial courses immediatel­y; 0 points — who reads the questions to you?

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