Jamaica Gleaner

Companies decry ‘valve turners’ who shut down pipelines


AS ENBRIDGE prepared to move climate-damaging tar sands crude through a 40-year-old pipeline in eastern Canada in 2015, environmen­talists and indigenous peoples including Vanessa Gray thought about what happened in Michigan just five years earlier: Another of the company’s lines had burst, sending oil into a river in one of the largest spills in US history.

With that in mind, Gray and others decided they needed to do more than just speak out. In December 2015, three activists from Montreal entered Enbridge property near the Quebec-Ontario border and turned an above-ground emergency pipeline shut-off valve. About two weeks later, Gray and two others did the same at a different site, drawing even more attention because authoritie­s levelled charges that could have landed them in prison for life.

They ended up with no jail time and accomplish­ed their goal of raising awareness.

“I hope it inspires others,” Gray, 26, a member of an Ojibwe tribe, said in a recent interview.

It already has, by activists in the US who believe fossil fuels are precipitat­ing a global warming crisis. Just last month, four activists targeted an Enbridge oil pipeline in northern Minnesota. But pipeline companies say so-called valve turners are dangerous — to themselves and the public — and many energy industry officials and advocates say they should be treated as domestic terrorists. Several states are considerin­g increasing fines and prison terms for such incidents and holding associated organisati­ons legally accountabl­e as well.

“It’s reminiscen­t of a number of years ago when environmen­tal groups were spiking trees to interfere with the timber industry,” said Alan Olson, executive director of the Montana Petroleum Associatio­n. “When environmen­tal groups go out to cause physical harm or to harm infrastruc­ture, in my mind, that is domestic terrorism.”

To Michael Foster, it’s a wake-up call to a world quickly approachin­g “a life-or-death moment”.

“We must stop the flow of fossil fuels as a society,” said the mental-health counsellor from Seattle who spent six months in jail for turning a pipeline shut-off valve in North Dakota in October 2016. “You can argue about the best, or better, ways to do it, but we haven’t done it yet, and we’ve run out of time.” CLIMATE-CHANGE ACTIVISTS

Foster was part of a loose-knit group of 11 climate-change activists who dubbed themselves Climate Direct Action and simultaneo­usly turned shut-off valves on five pipelines in North Dakota, Minnesota, Montana and Washington state that carry Canadian tar sands crude into the US.

“We were committed to nonviolenc­e. We were committed to safety and making sure no communitie­s were impacted or damage occurred. We weren’t interested in damaging equipment,” Foster said. “That’s where we took the cue from Canada.”

In response to that action, federal regulators issued a bulletin warning that tampering with pipeline valves can result in “death, injury, and economic and environmen­tal harm”. None of the valve-turning incidents has led to an injury or a spill, but critics say the protest tactic is at the very least hypocritic­al.

“What eco-extremists fail to recognise is that their own reckless actions risk seriously harming the same environmen­t that they claim to be trying to protect,” said Craig Stevens, spokesman for Grow America’s Infrastruc­ture Now, a pro-pipeline coalition.

Enbridge spokesman Jesse Semko said tampering with pipelines is no different than targeting railways or power lines, and the company “will support the prosecutio­n of those individual­s to the fullest extent of the law”.

But some think the law doesn’t go far enough. The valve-turning protests all have been prosecuted under state laws, and the punishment­s have varied. No protester other than Foster has spent more than two days in jail.

A group of bipartisan lawmakers, led by Colorado Republican Representa­tive Ken Buck, asked the US Justice Department in October 2017 whether protesters could be prosecuted under federal domestic terrorism laws. The response in February 2018 from Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd, provided by Buck’s office, didn’t give much clarity. Boyd said pipeline protest incidents “may or may not qualify as ‘domestic terrorism,’” and he wouldn’t comment on whether any federal investigat­ions were happening. The department didn’t respond to an Associated Press request for comment.

 ?? AP ?? In this October 11, 2016 photo provided by Samuel Jessup, climate change activist Michael Foster, of Seattle, turns an emergency shut-off valve on an oil pipeline in northeaste­rn North Dakota. Foster was arrested and ended up spending six months in jail. The valve-turning tactic has been embraced in recent years by activists who believe fossil fuels are precipitat­ing a global warming crisis. But the energy industry and its advocates say it amounts to domestic terrorism, and lawmakers in several states are considerin­g stiffening penalties.
AP In this October 11, 2016 photo provided by Samuel Jessup, climate change activist Michael Foster, of Seattle, turns an emergency shut-off valve on an oil pipeline in northeaste­rn North Dakota. Foster was arrested and ended up spending six months in jail. The valve-turning tactic has been embraced in recent years by activists who believe fossil fuels are precipitat­ing a global warming crisis. But the energy industry and its advocates say it amounts to domestic terrorism, and lawmakers in several states are considerin­g stiffening penalties.

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