Jamaica Gleaner

Pope: Women have ‘legitimate claims’ for justice, equality


POPE FRANCIS said on Tuesday that women have “legitimate claims” to seek more justice and equality in the Catholic Church, but stopped short of endorsing more sweeping calls from his own bishops to recognise the “urgency of an inevitable change” to give them leadership roles.

Francis issued a document inspired by an October 2018 meeting of the world’s bishops on better ministerin­g to today’s young Catholics. The meeting was marked by demands for greater women’s rights, and the bishops’ final document called the need for women to have positions of responsibi­lity and decision-making in the church “a duty of justice.”

In his lengthy document, ‘Christ is alive,’ Francis endorses no such conclusion. He says only that a church that listens to young people must be attentive to women’s “legitimate claims” for equality and justice, and must better train men and women who have leadership potential.

“A living church can look back on history and acknowledg­e a fair share of male authoritar­ianism, domination, various forms of enslavemen­t, abuse and sexist violence,” Francis writes.

“With this outlook, she can support the call to respect women’s rights, and offer convinced support for greater reciprocit­y between males and females, while not agreeing with everything some feminist groups propose.”

Asked at a news conference yesterday about the lack of reference to both women in leadership positions and the need to welcome homosexual­s better, synod organiser Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri noted that Francis acknowledg­ed in his text that he couldn’t rewrite everything from the final synod document and referred readers back to it.

Francis writes that he was inspired by all the reflection­s at the synod but that he wanted to use his text to “summarise those proposals I considered most significan­t”.

The document, known as an apostolic exhortatio­n, covers a wide range of issues confrontin­g young people today, noting that many feel alienated from the Catholic Church because of its sexual and financial scandals, and are themselves suffering from untold forms of exploitati­on, conflict and despair.

 ?? AP ?? In this Friday, March 29, 2019 file photo, Pope Francis attends an audience with participan­ts of a course on the Internal Forum promoted by the Apostolic Penitentia­ry Court, in the Pope Paul VI hall, at the Vatican.
AP In this Friday, March 29, 2019 file photo, Pope Francis attends an audience with participan­ts of a course on the Internal Forum promoted by the Apostolic Penitentia­ry Court, in the Pope Paul VI hall, at the Vatican.

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