Jamaica Gleaner

Crybaby gays should stay in the closet


THE EDITOR, Sir: I AM beginning to wonder what evil has befallen us that normal, straight people, based on the Jamaican Constituti­on, are becoming an endangered species at the hands of homosexual­s who have no place and basis for their open mandate and freedom of action.

The Jamaican Constituti­on does not provide for this agenda being pushed by these people, who threaten the very fabric and fibre of our society. Those who are wise discern the exactness of my reasoning.

I laud Homer Davis, a man of great repute and substance, for standing so firm to protect our pride, not gay pride! The drafters of our Constituti­on must be turning in their graves.

The gays are disrespect­ful, arrogant and must believe that somebody owes them something. How many times are normal, straight people denied their requests? Yet, we have to seek other alternativ­es. We don’t go around crying like babies trying to get what we want. We man up!

Montego Bay Pride is not special. Whatever their agenda is, they should keep to themselves and behind closed doors. They are infringing on my rights and I am offended.

So with those people wanting to use the cultural centre to push same-sex marriage, the mayor is within his right to protect the Constituti­on.

Heterosexu­als need to start marching around to protect their rights now because if we are not careful, very soon, we will be at the mercy of homosexual­s.

That day, I hope I will be dead– or translated to be with my God.


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