Jamaica Gleaner

Attraction­s major pull factors for stopover visitors


JAMAICA CONTINUES to boast some of the finest attraction­s in the Caribbean, which, tourism stakeholde­rs say, have been acting as major pull factors in attracting cruise and stopover visitors.

This, they also note, has been contributi­ng to businesses all around, where tourism interests – craft traders, transport operators, restaurant owners, and hoteliers – are benefiting.

“The cruise lines will tell you that Jamaica has some of the best attraction­s in the world,” says Senior Adviser and Strategist in the Ministry of Tourism, Delano Seiveright. “Dunn’s River Falls, as the Caribbean’s biggest attraction, is the one that readily comes to mind. It is arguably one of our biggest pull factors and a major hit with cruise visitors, scores of whom return with their families to the island for longer stays,” he says.

Dunn’s River is a state-owned entity that is operated by the St Ann Developmen­t Company, a subsidiary of the Urban Developmen­t Corporatio­n (UDC).

While a favourite for filmmakers and adventure seekers, what makes the Dunn’s River experience so unique is that guests can climb from the beach, passing many coves, lagoons, and pools as they make their way to the peak of the falls.

Guests are led by profession­al and well-trained guides who adhere to all safety policies throughout the entire climb. There is also an option to climb or simply admire the attraction’s scenic beauty and ambience.

Seiveright says that in addition to Dunn’s River, there are Chukka, Dolphin Cove, Mystic Mountain, and Good Hope, and rafting on the Rio Grande and Martha Brae rivers.

“It is a fact that many cruise visitors come back for a longer stay so as to experience the allure of Dunn’s River and the other attraction­s,” he said.

“What is so beautiful about these experience­s is that all the resort towns have their own attraction­s with their uniqueness … which adds variety to the tourism product,” Seiveright says.

For his part, Mayor of St Ann’s Bay and Chairman of the National Cruise Council, Michael Belnavis, says Jamaica has learnt valuable lessons from places like Orlando, New Orleans, and Miami Beach in that attraction­s by themselves “can bring loads of visitors” to the destinatio­n.

“We have seen the boost in tourist arrivals in the destinatio­ns that are attraction-driven,” he points out.


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