Jamaica Gleaner



Love it or leave it

Our number one rule for clothes shopping is simple: love it or leave it! If it does not absolutely make you gasp or take a second look at first sight, then it’s not the one. Especially if you have a specific outing in mind and you’re shopping for something very unique, it has to appeal to all your senses at first look – although it can be counter – argued that sometimes we grow to love certain pieces in our closet. To be on the safe side, keep looking around if you feel you haven’t fallen in love with the item you are looking for, and don’t give up until that spark is found. Consider also mixing up your expectatio­ns a bit, so if you have a certain dress in mind, you can also go for a nice top and bottom, and these may be sold separately.

Buy in bulk

If you’re a mom shopping for your kids or even enjoying some personal shopping, it’s always a good idea to shop in bulk. This is beneficial for two reasons. One, you save a buck when you buy as almost all retailers offer a discount this way; and two, you can enjoy the Black Friday savings well into the new year and for much of 2020 based on the amount of things you have purchased. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Many stores offer the convenienc­e of buying different colours and sizes within a specific item for the same price. Bonus tip: If you’re shopping alone, tag team with those persons who may be eyeing the same item as you so you can reap extra savings by buying together.

Try it on and wiggle!

Whatever you do, do not leave that store without sufficient­ly trying on that dress, pants or shirt! Of course, there are some items with which you can make a pretty decent guesstimat­e without heading into the fitting room but in general, try it first! Females, especially, know that one size does not fit all, and depending on your physique, certain items may not fit certain areas as you expect them to. Play it safe and ensure that even if you are in a rush to cop the sale items before they run out, you are making a sensible purchase and that the garment fits. Remember also to wiggle, stretch, hop and skip as you would if you were to wear the garment in your everyday activities.

Seek out clearance items

Although Black Friday is a time for savings, why not go for even more discounts by checking out the clearance aisle? I have found, from experience, that the cheaper items can sometimes present new opportunit­ies to jazz up your style since you can mix them and match them and buy a variety.

Shop trendy but timeless

Trends are many and they pop up ever so often. This season, it seems leopard prints are making a comeback and even some styles of the ‘90s such as trendy hair clips, bright colours and wide-legged pants. For this particular area, we recommend playing it safe. Go for the trends but also think of how your style can be timeless. The grey area here would be how much you are willing to spend. Can you afford to buy an outfit that will probably no longer be hot in a year’s time? Do you only have enough funds to make purchases that can survive the changing times? Think about it.

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