Jamaica Gleaner

The PSOJ, NIDS and the Constituti­on


THE PRIVATE Sector Organisati­on of Jamaica is in danger of getting badly wrong, conceptual­ly and philosophi­cally, its ideas about the Constituti­on, whose primacy, and the rights and freedoms guaranteed therein, the PSOJ apparently believes, should be capable of being negotiated away by political parties.

That is the sense left with many people, including this newspaper, when the PSOJ’s spokespers­ons highlight the benefits to be gained if Jamaica instituted a national identifica­tion system (NIDS), and of the folly of the opposition People’s National Party’s (PNP) successful challenge of the law upon which the ID scheme was supposed to rest.

The latest articulati­on of the PSOJ’s flawed, and certainly less-than-nuanced, appreciati­on of the failure of the Government’s attempt to implement NIDS is to be found in a peroration on the subject by Christophe­r Reckord, the head of the organisati­on’s innovation and digitation­s transforma­tion committee, in an interview with this newspaper.

According to Mr Reckord, the idea of a national identifica­tion system that uniquely follows an individual from birth to death was originally promoted by a former leader of the PNP, the late Michael Manley, more than 40 years ago. While the concept has had cross-party support, he argued, the project has been subject to stops-and-starts, because “everyone wants to do it themselves”.

“If they JLP (Jamaica Labour Party) looks like they are ahead, they (PNP) are going to throw every bomb into the thing,” Mr Reckord said. The metaphoric­al bomb, in this case, was the court case against the National Identifica­tion and Registrati­on Act, which was held to be deeply flawed.

Under the law, as it was framed, the Government intended to establish a database of demographi­c and biodata of Jamaica’s residents, who would be given an identifica­tion card, with a unique number, without which they couldn’t access government services, or do business with the Government.

Three judges of the constituti­onal court unanimousl­y agreed that the mandatory nature of the law was contrary to the right to privacy guaranteed by the Constituti­on. Further, given that Jamaicans living abroad wouldn’t be subject to the law, but would have access to government services, the legislatio­n infringed the right of citizens to equality before the law. More critically, the Government failed, the court said, to reach the threshold required by the Constituti­on that breaches of the basic law had to be “demonstrab­ly justified in a free and democratic society”.


Laws similar to the one ruled to be unconstitu­tional in Jamaica have recently been struck down, in whole or in part, in a number of jurisdicti­ons, including in India, to which the Jamaican court made substantia­l reference, and, more recently, Kenya.

The PSOJ, and others, have sought to cast anyone who raises questions about the NIDS, other than the politicos scoring points, as people who either have something to hide, or Luddites afraid of embracing new ideas, or technologi­es and the value that will flow from them. That, of course, is to be ignorant of, and blind to, the big, conceptual frame.

Constituti­ons, as the supreme law, establish the context, and framework, within which other laws fit and, thereby the foundation upon which the State sits and functions. In Jamaica’s case, that is a liberal democratic state.

If parliament­s, or worse, political party leaders, can play fast and loose with constituti­ons, without the authority of the courts to pronounce on those actions, then fundamenta­l rights and freedoms are no longer sacrosanct. In that event, the pathway is assured for the ascent of authoritar­ians and autocrats.

The rights that go first, in these circumstan­ces, are those belonging to persons without the voice, or resources, to challenge the erosion. Soon, even those of persons who believe themselves to be insulated are taken. Indeed, it is to the credit of Jamaica’s government that it appreciate­d the logic of the court’s ruling that the law, in its current form, was unconstitu­tional – as it would have been if Mr Manley had brought the same provision four decades ago. The Government is seeking to rewrite the legislatio­n to fit within constituti­onal principles.

Perhaps it would be useful for the PSOJ to establish a committee on the Constituti­on and its applicatio­n to business, and apply the ideas there from not only to its pronouncem­ents on NIDS, but to the use of states of emergency and rights of ordinary people thereunder.

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