Jamaica Gleaner

Build business resilience with digital marketing

- Kemal Brown GUEST COLUMNIST Kemal Brown is the president & CEO of Digita Global Marketing Ltd, a Caribbean-based, globally minded digital marketing and technology agency. He is an internatio­nal speaker, serial entreprene­ur and digital innovator.

THE NOVEL coronaviru­s has continued its rapid spread, challengin­g global health and the economy. The virus transmits through human contact, threatenin­g normative ways of doing business as faceto-face interactio­ns continues to be an essential component in conducting commerce worldwide, especially in less technologi­cally advanced societies.

COVID-19 has made human contact a liability. With it, the labour market has changed almost overnight. While some businesses have quickly adapted to a remote infrastruc­ture, others have been forced to lay off staff, cut salaries, or cease activity completely.

A key recommenda­tion worldwide to stem the flow of the virus is to practise social distancing. While we can appreciate the importance of staying four to six feet apart in order to flatten the curve, social distancing does not mean disconnect­ing. For businesses that wish to not only stabilise but grow in this time, its now more crucial than ever to keep in contact with your customers and reach new ones. This presents a challenge as many of the traditiona­l channels for contact have been rendered risky.

Digital marketing presents an exciting way of engaging with present customers and also reaching new ones with offers, deals and products that will add value to their lives.

Here are a few digital marketing initiative­s every business should consider during this time:

1 Set up a website – Being found online is essential in this new and uncertain reality we all find ourselves in as foot traffic has relatively dried up. It is the

foundation of any great digital presence. Your website is your online billboard, storefront, business card, and so much more. It can help you to streamline customer service, generate sales and keep your customers in the know. Write blogs related to your industry partner with affiliates to increase the reach and scope of your offers. There are many more web strategies to put into play to ensure your business weathers the present storm, and in special cases, sails to safe shores.

2 Maximise search engine optimisati­on (SEO) with reviews – This is the difference between whether your business is organicall­y found online or not. Outside of meta tags, writing blogs and having a keyword strategy, positive reviews are a great way to maximise your SEO. Set up a business profile on Google to enable public reviews and encourage your customers to review your business on your website. This will help your website climb in the top-ranked website when prospectiv­e clients search for services, goods and products in your niche.

3 Leverage social media marketing – With stayat-home orders in full effect for many, smartphone­s and Interneten­abled devices are your customers’ window to the world. Create content that is sensitive to the conditions that they’re facing, while letting them know that your business and services are still present and available for them. For instance, let your customers know new ways they can do business with you. Are you shifting to online consultati­ons? Offering new products? Or adding a delivery service? Tell them!

A data-driven approach to devising marketing strategies will help businesses use social media to increase sales, even within difficult times. Chatbots are a great tool for automating business functions online, further improving your efficiency. This is the time to build your online engagement with customers and potential customers. Keep them engaged with timely and relevant content that converts.

4 Improving your e-commerce infrastruc­ture – Your customers are looking for the best ways to stay safe during COVID19, while still providing for their families. Shopping online is a fastgrowin­g alternativ­e to leaving home to top up on essentials. Tools such as Shopify allow for the setting up of online stores and, most recently, NCB has ‘freed up’ their e-commerce solution, so collecting payments online will be simpler for those with limited access to PayPal and other internatio­nal solutions.

Many firms have partnered with local courier services to create a true door-to-door experience, and in some cases, farm-to-door delivery solution. This means that businesses that can create a seamless e-commerce experience will likely see increased success. Online is now the new normal and the apprehensi­veness that consumers once had when it came to online shopping is swiftly shifting to faceto-face shopping.

5 Amplifying your email marketing – Whether you are a B2B or B2C business, email marketing can foster building deeper relationsh­ips with your current customers and potential leads. Consumers buy from brands they know, like and trust. Maximise this time to build out email marketing campaigns that keep your customers in the loop on how your business is developing at this time and how you are offering support to your clients. This simple strategy will ensure the longevity of your business is maintained long after the impacts of COVID-19.

Ultimately, both businesses and individual­s will feel the financial impact of the coronaviru­s. However, if you remain consistent with your digital-marketing efforts, pivot quickly as the climate shifts and capitalise on the increased screen time from your customers, your business could experience transforma­tion that will set it up for success beyond this pandemic.

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