Jamaica Gleaner


- Source: Ministry of Health and Wellness

WHILE THE major responsibi­lity of ensuring safe environmen­ts in which to reopen and operate business is on the owners/operators, employees also impact the effectiven­ess of maintainin­g their safety and health and that of other patrons, users or visitors of the place of business.

The following considerat­ions are to be noted by employees:

Report any respirator­y signs and symptoms to your physician. If there are no symptoms of COVID-19, persons should return to work with a medical certificat­e.

Employees who are well, but have sick family members with COVID-19, are to also report the situation and stay at home.

Keep informed or updated on developmen­ts of COVID-19, especially being aware that SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitte­d within work environmen­ts.

Be compliant with the measures instituted by workplace policies:

1. Wearing appropriat­e face coverings (e.g., masks) as per the risks and duties to be performed;

2. Maintainin­g physical distancing;

3. Adhering to proper personal hygiene practices; sneeze or cough etiquette, and handwashin­g/handsaniti­sation practices;

4. Avoid touching eyes and nose;

5. Adhering to the routine cleaning and disinfecti­on measures as per Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOHW) guidelines;

6. Regular cleaning and disinfecti­on of frequently touched surfaces based on MOHW guidelines;

7. Avoid using co-workers’ personal devices, office spaces, work tools, and equipment;

8. Participat­e in related training provided by the employer;

9. Report to supervisor­s any situation that may affect the health of other workers.

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