Jamaica Gleaner

COVID-19 and suspension of Jamaica’s fiscal rules

- Nigel Clarke GUEST COLUMNIST ■ Nigel Clarke is minister of finance and the public service and member of parliament for St Andrew North Western. Send feedback to opedjamaic­a@gmail.com.

LAST WEEK, the Houses of Parliament approved, by affirmativ­e resolution, an order to suspend Jamaica’s fiscal rules for the initial period of this fiscal year ending March 31, 2021, consistent with the provisions of the Financial Audit and Administra­tion Act.


Jamaica’s fiscal rules were given the force of law in 2010 and updated in 2014 to provide for an escape clause in times of crisis, among other amendments.

Embedded in this Fiscal Responsibi­lity Framework is the objective of attaining a debt-GDP target of 60 per cent by 2027-28. This target date was originally set at fiscal year 2025-26, but, with the endorsemen­t of the IMF and local stakeholde­rs, this has been pushed back by two years, given the materially negative economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermor­e, our Fiscal Responsibi­lity Framework prescribes the minimum level of annual fiscal savings that is consistent with our debt-reduction objective, given prevailing economic parameters. It also provides limits on the aggregate level of public-sector wage expenditur­e as a ratio of GDP.

Under the framework, the circumstan­ces that can trigger an escape are outside of the control of the Government. These events are a severe economic downturn, natural disaster, health and other disasters, and public emergencie­s.

Importantl­y, however, once triggered, the fiscal rule suspension can only be activated after an independen­t verificati­on by the auditor general that the fiscal impact of the event exceeds the threshold of 1.5 per cent of GDP and after the Houses of Parliament approve, by affirmativ­e resolution, an order for suspension.


Jamaica was declared a disaster area on account of the COVID-19 pandemic. This triggered the fiscal rule suspension.

The auditor general subsequent­ly validated that the fiscal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to Jamaica being declared a disaster area, was above the threshold of 1.5 per cent of GDP. This validation was tabled in Parliament, along with supporting economic data provided by the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) and the Ministry of Finance.

We need to suspend the fiscal rules for the following reasons:

(1) The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the need to deploy significan­t additional fiscal resources, primarily in the form of (a) social and economic support through the CARE Programme, (b) health expenditur­e on new personnel, equipment, and supplies, and (c) other critical expenditur­es, which together total $34 billion.

It will not be possible to accommodat­e these additional expenditur­es unless the fiscal rules are suspended.

(2) Economic activity will contract significan­tly this fiscal year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The economic contractio­n is a consequenc­e of the economic spillovers from actions that other countries have taken, as well as actions that we have had to take in Jamaica, to slow the spread of the coronaviru­s that leads to COVID-19. The expectatio­n is that the economic contractio­n this fiscal year will be in the region of 5.1 per cent.

This anticipate­d shrinking of economic output means that the Government is likely to have much less revenue this year than originally planned. Estimates are that revenues will be lower by approximat­ely $81 billion.

This loss of revenue means that it will neither be possible, practical, nor desirable to achieve the level of fiscal savings that the fiscal rules would otherwise imply.

For these reasons, the fiscal rules need to be suspended.


The journey towards the suspension of our fiscal rules has involved dialogue and consensus on the critical issues. I first mentioned fiscal rule suspension as a likely course of action in my closing Budget presentati­on on March 24. In my opening remarks during the tabling of the First Supplement­ary Estimates on May 13, I confirmed this direction and further proposed that we needed to extend the target date for attainment of our 60 per cent debt-GDP objective to fiscal year 2027-28.

In response to my remarks, the Opposition, also on May 13, voiced its support for both objectives: fiscal rule suspension and extension of the debt-reduction timeline by two years.

Discussion­s have been had with other stakeholde­rs locally and internatio­nally, including the IMF. (The Gleaner was among the first local stakeholde­rs to support a suspension of the fiscal rules and an extension of the debt-reduction timeline).

On approval of the disburseme­nt of approximat­ely US$520 million under the Rapid Financing Instrument, the executive board of the IMF endorsed Jamaica’s move to suspend our fiscal rules and to extend the 60 per cent debt target timeline by two years. Their report was published on May 18. Given how recently Jamaica emerged from successive Fund programmes, it was important for this report to be published before beginning the fiscal rule suspension process.


However, the avenue for the suspension of the fiscal rules did not exist.

Use of the ‘economic contractio­n’ trigger was not possible as the law is written in a manner that requires that the contractio­n has happened. In addition, the quarterly GDP contractio­n has to exceed two per cent to trigger the process.

Last week, the PIOJ projected a 1.7 per cent contractio­n for the quarter ending March 2020 and a 12 per cent to 14 per cent contractio­n for the quarter ending June 2020. The ‘economic contractio­n’ trigger would, therefore, be unavailabl­e until the anticipate­d June 2020 contractio­n is measured and confirmed by STATIN, in about September 2020.

We, therefore, had to amend the FRL to create an avenue for suspension that was consistent with the principles that (i) the circumstan­ces that can trigger an escape are outside of the control of the Government and (ii) activation of the suspension would still require independen­t verificati­on of the fiscal impact by the auditor general. (The Government and Opposition disagreed on the urgency of this amendment.)


Other countries have had to amend their fiscal rules to allow for suspension in this unpreceden­ted crisis.

In Panama, the National Assembly adopted new legislatio­n to modify their fiscal responsibi­lity law’s deficit limit for 2020, allowing for larger deviations under these COVID-19 circumstan­ces.

Peru went even further. Instead of using their escape clause, the Peruvian government enacted new legislatio­n to bypass the fiscal rule altogether. Presumably, the formal escape route would have included conditions for fiscal recovery measures post-suspension.


Many countries of the world do not have fiscal rules. For example, among CARICOM members, only two

– Jamaica and Grenada

– have fiscal rules in place.

However, most countries that have fiscal rules are suspending them due to the effects of COVID-19.

The European Union has activated the ‘general escape clause’ of its fiscal rules, which allows EU member states to undertake measures to address the impact of the pandemic. The escape clause will allow these measures to depart the budgetary restrictio­ns that would normally apply under the EU fiscal framework.

In addition to the EU supranatio­nal escape clause, European countries have individual­ly activated their own national escape clauses to allow for additional flexibilit­y. Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, and Slovenia have all already activated their national escape clauses.

Closer home, Grenada, which had a public debt-GDP ratio of 60 per cent in 2019 and has been the fastest-growing Caribbean economy in recent years, announced plans to invoke the suspension provisions under their Fiscal Responsibi­lity Law.

Panama and Peru were mentioned earlier. Costa Rica enacted a National Emergency Decree and is expected to activate the emergency escape clause to allow for a growth in expenditur­e higher than the allowed threshold for 2020.

In Honduras and Paraguay, government­s have announced plans to trigger their fiscal rule escape clauses, allowing for increased spending and a larger deficit this year.

In Brazil, the government

declared a state of “public calamity”, which allows for a relaxation of restrictio­ns under their fiscal responsibi­lity framework.


These are unpreceden­ted times, here in Jamaica and around the world. We can be proud that Jamaica has an institutio­nal framework that supports the sustainabi­lity of our public finances.

We can be even prouder that this framework requires a formal and transparen­t process for its temporary relaxation in times of crisis.

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