Jamaica Gleaner

A day for all men


EACH YEAR, on November 19, nations across the world celebrate Internatio­nal Men’s Day – an opportunit­y to reflect on, highlight and encourage the important roles men play in society. This day is an opportunit­y to shine the spotlight on some of the issues affecting men and facilitate discussion­s on topics concerning them; their well-being and advancemen­t. While we do so, let’s look at just how this observance came into being:


Indian men’s advocate Uma Challa has been instrument­al in bringing about awareness around Internatio­nal Men’s Day. In 2007, she raised awareness about the shocking abuse that men suffer in the anti-male legal system. Uma Challa is the founder of a number of organisati­ons, including the famed Save the Indian Family Foundation, a nonprofit based in Bangalore. She inspired Warwick Marsh, the founder of Dads4Kids, to dedicate a day to men.

One of the major issues around men’s health and well-being in this day and age is mental health. Men with mental illnesses are less likely to have received mental health treatment than women in the past year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention, men are more likely to die by suicide than women. Recognisin­g the signs that you or someone you love may have a mental disorder is the first step toward getting treatment. The earlier that treatment begins, the more effective it can be.

The proposed objectives of

Internatio­nal Men’s Day include a focus on men’s and boys’ health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality, and highlighti­ng positive male role models. It is also suggested as an occasion whereby men may highlight discrimina­tion against them and celebrate their positive achievemen­ts and contributi­ons to communitie­s, places of work, friendship­s, families, marriages, and child care.

The Gleaner wishes to extend happy Men’s Day to all Jamaican men who have continued to play a valuable role in their homes and communitie­s. A grateful nation salutes you all.

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