Jamaica Gleaner

The road to ending gender-based violence


THE INSTITUTE for Gender and Developmen­t Studies Regional Coordinati­ng Office (IGDS-RCO) has demonstrat­ed commitment to its gender justice mandate for over 25 years and is strategica­lly positioned to apply its model of research, activism, community engagement and education to respond to the escalating crisis of violence against women and girls (VAWG) in Jamaica. Brutish expression­s of VAWG, perpetrate­d principall­y by men and boys, have intensifie­d to the point where society appears to be numb to these violations. Contributi­ng to this numbness is the annual murder rate, which averages around 1,300. The daily diet of reported violence, coupled with an inability to implement sustainabl­e solutions, have resulted in widespread fear and frustratio­n. Here are the inescapabl­e facts:

• One in four Jamaican women between 15 and 64 years of age experience physical and/ or sexual violence from their intimate partners or nonpartner­s. Often, non-partners are family members and past partners. This is true for women and girls whether they live in urban or rural Jamaica, upperor lower-income groups, highly educated or not, married or unmarried, young or old. To improve students’ capacity to address these challenges, the IGDS-RCO offers masters, MPhil and PhD degrees in its gender and developmen­t programme. The courses and activities focus on bringing about gender equity between males and females, in all areas.

• One out of five women experience sexual abuse during childhood, mostly by someone who they know. Forty-three per cent of non-partners who commit acts of violence against women are friends and acquaintan­ces; 15 per cent are family members.

• One in five Jamaican women are sexually abused before the age of 18. Of these women, 52 per cent report that their first sexual intercours­e was between age 15 and 17.

• One out of four women report being sexually harassed – 15 per cent report physical touching. This points to t he power assumption­s that underlie the impunity with which women’s and girls’ bodies are treated as vessels of violation in public and private encounters with men who are socialised to treat their authority in these domains as normal rather than culturally acquired.

• Eighty per cent of our children experience or witness violence in their homes and communitie­s, and 60 per cent experience violence at school.

• More than 40 per cent of persons treated at public health facilities for attempted suicide are children between the ages of 14 and 16.

• Adults who engage in violence against their intimate partners or children, experience­d and/ or witnessed violence in their homes or communitie­s when growing up.

Through projects and academic offerings, the IGDS-RCO has been addressing VAWG from a gender and developmen­t perspectiv­e. It is important to analyse the links that have been culturally forged among social, reproducti­ve, and economic roles, and influence relations between men and women. Conflicts between men and women are power difference­s that are also entrenched in the wider society.


In December 2020, the United Nations Developmen­t Programme and the European Union assigned the IGDS-RCO the responsibi­lity for implementi­ng Pillar 1.1.1 of the Spotlight Initiative (SI), focused on legislativ­e reform. The SI was launched in September 2017 in several countries and is aimed at ending VAWG globally. The SI supports transforma­tive change at the household, community, and workplace levels to prevent and reduce VAWG. The IGDS-RCO will make “recommenda­tions to the Joint Select Committee of Parliament about laws related to VAWG and advocate for the removal of discrimina­tion and the provision of appropriat­e protection” in those laws. The laws targeted for reform are the Sexual Harassment Bill; Domestic Violence Act; Offences Against the Person Act; Sexual Offences Act, and Childcare and Protection Act. Changes to other laws - the Cybercrime­s (Prevention) Act (2010/2015), the Pornograph­y (Prevention) Act (2009), and the Traffickin­g in Persons (Prevention, Suppressio­n and Punishment) Act (2007/2015) – are also being considered.

In Jamaica, the most common form of disciplini­ng children is corporal punishment. Such punishment is reinforced by cultural practices and traditions such as the dominant Christian belief that one should not “spare the rod and spoil the child”. Children who comply are admired and cited as examples to emulate. While we agree that successful peers can be the best examples, we are cautious that children’s normalisin­g of compliance may

compromise their critical-thinking and problem-solving skills and extend to accepting abuse. We wonder about the extent to which children’s exposure to abuse predispose­s them to accepting abuse and remaining silent about it.

It is important to remember that to solve VAWG, policymake­rs, legislator­s, the private sector, the media, civil society, community and faith-based, among other organisati­ons, must tackle the prevailing unequal power relations between women and men. A relationsh­ip based on the power of men to rule (patriarchy), unfair treatment of women (sexism), hegemonic masculinit­y (tall, handsome, educated, having a car, money, etc) more so than gender equality, and inequities based on class, race, and ethnicity. These inequities are often expressed as violence and domination over the female body.

Policymake­rs must also invest resources for early interventi­on and resocialis­ation of boys and girls, to break the cycle of the unequal gender norms and behaviours that drive the violence pandemic. They must confront the investment that perpetrato­rs make in relationsh­ips of inequality and their desire to exercise power over others. Yet, we know that each human being has the right to be free from violence. While the Government has a duty to protect its citizens, we have a responsibi­lity to protect each other.

The IGDS-RCO invites you to partner with us to build a social movement as champions of a zero tolerance for VAWG. Raise the issue in your social groups, report it to the police, and encourage young people to talk up when they are abused.

Dr Imani-Tafari-Ama is a research fellow in the Institute for Gender & Developmen­t Studies Regional Coordinati­ng Office at The University of the West Indies and the project manager on the Jamaica Spotlight Country Project, the EU- and UN-funded Spotlight Initiative programme in Jamaica. E-mail her at imani.tafariama@uwimona.edu.jm.

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