Jamaica Gleaner

Wastewater reuse, a solution for Caribbean water woes

- Pwr.gleaner@gmail.com

WASTEWATER REUSE as a part of the solution to regional water woes has once again come into the spotlight, with the recent publicatio­n of the perspectiv­es paper titled ‘Status, Need and Role of Freshwater Storage in the Caribbean’.

“Wastewater represents a large stock of untapped resources which, if treated and reused for secondary purposes, can lead to less reliance on freshwater resources and increased availabili­ty for storage,” notes the paper, which was co-authored by Anika Cole and Dr Adrian Cashman and published by Global Water Partnershi­p – Caribbean.

The challenge, they say, is the “financial implicatio­ns and access to affordable, innovative technology to treat wastewater to a consistent­ly acceptable standard”, while noting that “there is growing interest for hotels to reuse wastewater in landscapin­g and golf courses, and even for irrigation of cricket grounds in St Lucia”.

The United Nations Environmen­t Programme has, meanwhile, long trumpeted the need to prioritise wastewater, given, for example, climate change realities.

For one thing, UNEP has noted that poorly managed wastewater is itself a challenge. In an article headlined ‘Wastewater: the issue’, UNEP has indicated that among other things, poorly managed wastewater leads not only to loss of ecosystem services and economic opportunit­ies, but also climate change through waste-waterrelat­ed emissions of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which have higher global warming potentials than CO2.

There are also likely health impacts due to water-borne diseases as well as the challenge of the spread of ‘dead zones’ impacting fisheries, livelihood­s and the food chain. A ‘dead zone’ refers to a reduced level of oxygen in water, leading either to the death of marine life or their migration from the impacted area.

On the other and, well-managed wastewater can yield many benefits, not the least of these for agricultur­e.

“It is a source of water and nutrients that can be used for crop production, reducing the need for scarce freshwater and expensive fertiliser­s. Wastewater sludge can also be used to manufactur­e constructi­on materials and to generate biogas and biofuel, thus providing opportunit­ies for green jobs, sustainabl­e developmen­t and social well-being,” the article noted.

It is against this background that UNEP has been involved with the roll-out of interventi­ons, such as the Global Environmen­tal Fund Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management (GEF CReW) project.

The first instalment of that project had as its objective ‘to implement innovative technical small-scale solutions for wastewater management in the Wider Caribbean Region using an integrated water and wastewater management approach and through building on sustainabl­e financing mechanisms piloted through the Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management’.

Specific components included institutio­nal, policy, legislativ­e and regulatory reform for integrated water and wastewater management; sustainabl­e and tailor-made financing options for urban, peri-urban and rural integrated water and wastewater management; and provision of appropriat­e small-scale, local, rural and peri-urban and community-based solutions for integrated water and wastewater management.

The project has yielded, among other things, best practices for running wastewater utilities, a regional wastewater management policy template and toolkit, as well as guidelines for developing, planning and/or updating national wastewater management plans.


Cole and Cashman, in their own paper, have advanced the need for private sector engagement to address the need for resources to treat wastewater, as for addressing other water security issues impacting the region, including storage.

“There is opportunit­y in exploring more niche financing streams especially through public-private partnershi­p. Several large private sector firms, including breweries, manufactur­ers have gone the route of being self-sustainabl­e with their own infrastruc­ture. There is growing interest around how to leverage private sector participat­ion through shared resources and programmes to meet both public and private water demand,” they wrote.

They have also put on the table the need for interventi­ons that extend to strong governance arrangemen­ts on integrated storage.

“Many long-range developmen­t strategies throughout the Caribbean have underscore­d the importance of water resources management and well-functionin­g water services. The implementa­tion of these strategies, neverthele­ss, will be the challengin­g aspect of the process,” they noted.

“Water governance in the Caribbean has a distinct set of multilevel challenges, including unclear policy objectives and strategies and monitoring mechanisms; as well as unpredicta­ble investment climate (OECD, 2012). However, things are changing and countries are gradually starting to better integrate water sector developmen­t with future national economic developmen­t objectives,” Cole and Cashman added.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? A snap of the new perspectiv­es paper.
CONTRIBUTE­D A snap of the new perspectiv­es paper.

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