Jamaica Gleaner

Continue to support the greater good for all Jamaicans


SAs you continue to put your advocacy into action, I encourage you to carry on your response to challenges in a manner that supports the greater good of all Jamaicans.

INCE 1976, the Private Sector Organisati­on of Jamaica (PSOJ) has advanced its mission of effectivel­y advocating “for the implementa­tion of public policy that enables strong, sustainabl­e private sector-led economic growth and developmen­t”. This is evidenced by your leading role in championin­g causes critical to education, agricultur­e, health, business and people developmen­t, in addition to COVID-19 recovery efforts.

Jamaica’s private sector covers numerous industries and employs a significan­t portion of the country’s labour force, underscori­ng your critical role in national developmen­t. It is as a result of your organisati­on’s advocacy and meaningful representa­tion of private-sector groups that members are able to benefit from trade agreements, technical resources and facilities, while they achieve maximum productivi­ty. These efforts serve to support the work of the Government and civil society groups in equipping Jamaica to achieve its Vision 2030 goals.

On this celebratio­n of your 45th anniversar­y, I commend your continued commitment to honouring your corporate social responsibi­lity, particular­ly in supporting initiative­s such the E-commerce National Delivery Solution (ENDS), Crime Stop and the PSOJ COVID-19 Jamaica Response Fund. The work you do is a testament to your vision of unificatio­n in our shared efforts to make Jamaica the place of choice to “live, work, raise families and do business”.

As you continue to put your advocacy into action, I encourage you to carry on your response to challenges in a manner that supports the greater good of all Jamaicans. More critically than before, we must place the good of our nation above all else.

Continue to be exemplars of what we can achieve together through people, partnershi­p and performanc­e.

Happy 45th anniversar­y!


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