Jamaica Gleaner

We resolve to continue playing our part in engenderin­g growth


IT IS a special year for us as the Private Sector Organisati­on of Jamaica (PSOJ) celebrates its 45th anniversar­y. THE FOUNDING fathers of the organisati­on envisioned several key objectives for the PSOJ, including advocating on behalf of its members, acting as the unifying voice for the private sector, as well as coordinati­ng the resources within the private sector, with specific emphasis on economic developmen­t. Successive presidents have been committed to this mission, and it is my honour to serve as the 19th president of this impactful organisati­on and to maintain the tradition of transforma­tion at the national level as we focus on strong advocacy, but underlined by active engagement and execution.

I give my heartfelt gratitude to the members who serve tireless on our council, executive, and on our various standing committees. Your contributi­on is invaluable and this milestone was realised because of your work, as you are the heartbeat of the organisati­on.

As we reflect on the achievemen­ts of the past, we look ahead to the future and the role the organisati­on will play in shaping a Jamaica that we are all proud to call home, and one that increases inclusive and equitable growth.

Our 45th year has been underscore­d by the looming presence of a pandemic that has provided unpreceden­ted challenges but, simultaneo­usly, has demonstrat­ed the power of the PSOJ network through collaborat­ive and solution-oriented national projects, such as the PSOJ COVID19 Response Fund, Connect a Child, Children Helpline, E-commerce National Delivery Solution (ENDS) and the Private Sector Vaccine Initiative (PSVI). Perhaps more importantl­y, the pandemic has demonstrat­ed that the nation is capable of responding to challenges for the common good through public, private and civil sector partnershi­p.

Our Private Sector Vaccine Initiative demonstrat­es the high priority the PSOJ puts on the vaccinatio­n of our workforce, in ensuring that we protect our workers, customers, families and communitie­s. The PSVI complement­s the Government’s effort in achieving a minimum of 65 per cent level of vaccinatio­n of our population.

Additional­ly, the PSOJ Access to Finance Panel, which was initiated in 2019 to focus on increasing access to finance for MSMEs, has played a key role in advocating for policies and initiative­s to provide relief to companies, as well as allow for business continuity and digitisati­on. The organisati­on, through the PSOJ Access to Finance Facilitati­on Panel responded to the pandemic by creating and communicat­ing strategies through the weekly ‘COVID-Cast’ business podcast and three game-changing virtual conference­s. Through these media, guidance was provided to the more vulnerable MSMEs to navigate this difficult period, along with strategies to pivot and to digitise their businesses.

Over the last 18 months, the PSOJ has hosted three major virtual conference­s with record-breaking attendance and engagement. These conference­s focused on the first ‘Crossing the Chasm’, which focussed on challenges and opportunit­ies created by the COVID-19 pandemic and, subsequent­ly, the digital and financial literacy conference­s, which broke down the content into non-technical communicat­ion style, which was well received and continues to be available on the website smallbusin­essportal.com.

The PSOJ played a lead role in providing leadership and support to the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Task Force and was instrument­al, through the leadership of the Local Services Committee, in developing guidelines and protocols for the opening of businesses and the economy.

The PSOJ is happy to have played a part in developing and executing strategies and projects in a once-in-a-century pandemic which has challenged us globally, and especially the more vulnerable in our country.

Whilst we have seen relative stability in our fiscal and macroecono­mic indicators, we have a steep hurdle to climb as we simultaneo­usly tackle matters of corruption, crime and public order, low productivi­ty levels, digital transforma­tion, formalisat­ion and MSME developmen­t. This must be underpinne­d by a focus on our environmen­t and climate change, to ensure the sustainabi­lity of our industries and the future of our citizens. We will continue to be constructi­ve, solution-oriented, with a positive mindset as we look to continue to make our contributi­on to human capital developmen­t and inclusive growth, which has a focus of increasing per capita wealth to drive domestic spending that will spur growth in our domestic economy.

We celebrate this anniversar­y and resolve to continue to proactivel­y play a part in developing an environmen­t that is beneficial to businesses, while engenderin­g growth and developmen­t in Jamaica through advocacy and action.

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