The Star (Jamaica)



How many words of four letters or more can you make from the letters shown?

Each letter may be used once only. Each word must contain the centre letter and there must be at least one nine-letter word.

No plurals or verb forms ending in ‘s’; no words with initial capitals and no words with a hyphen or apostrophe permitted.

The first word of a phrase is permitted. (eg, ‘inkjet’ in ‘inkjet printer’). 10; 19; (or more). deli dingle dipole dole doling eloping EXPLODING geld gelid gild glei glen glide glop gold golden i dle i dol i l ex l egion l end li do li ed li en l i ne l i ned l i ng l i ngo l i no li on l ode l oden l odge l oin l one l ong l onged l ope l oped l oping ogle ogled oiled olden oldie olein oxlip pile piled pinole pixel pled plié plied plod pole poled poling 15;

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