The Star (Jamaica)

Enough with the chat-chat


Howdy! Here’s hoping this day, week, month and year is blessed with more happiness and newness, and less struggle and stress! Yes, today is first Wednesday of the first month of a new year, and here is my little piece of humble advice to all who care to hear and anyone who wishes to adhere. Try less talking and more doing this year, yu hear!

As simple as that. Yes, folks, let’s take a brief break from the abundance of affirmatio­n and get busy with some tangible action. To all of you are relaxing lazily in bed, dreaming up delightful declaratio­ns with a pillow under your head, and to those of you who are sitting pretty on our gluteus maximus typing touching testimonie­s, I have one small message. Get to your feet!

Trust mi, some a di New Year resolution dem sound really noble and inspiring and sweet. But instead of taking time to announce and pronounce your resolve to do something, is better yu just get up dweet!

Talk is cheap, promises are sometimes hard to keep, and dreamers are mostly people who are deeply asleep. So wake up, peeps. And don’t just get up and stand up, get up and move. Make that call you have been postponing. Use up all that talent you have been honing. Act on that idea you have been constantly deferring. Apply for that job. In fact, apply for several jobs. Attend that meeting. Plant that garden. Make something. Read something. Start something. Do something.

Look here nuh, at this very minute the decisive action you could be taking is being blocked and impeded by the empty promises you may be making. Work is burning in the field, so stop dream up and scheme up and plan up. Just simply get up, dress up and show up. And start doing something positive. If we can’t walk the walk we should just park the talk.

Yeah, I love words. Words are magical and wonderful. And we can speak things into being. But we have to also act on what we think and start doing it today. Enough chat-chat yah, people. Too much labba-labba and ray ray. We talk plenty in this country and use plenty words sometimes to say absolutely nothing. Author and speaker Dr. DaShanne Stokes says it simply but profoundly: “If your actions don’t live up to your words, you have nothing to say.”

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