The Star (Jamaica)

Keeping the SEX in SEXY


One of the most important factors of a relationsh­ip is the physical aspect – this can vary from displays of affection to actual sexual interactio­n. Being able to physically satisfy each other in a relationsh­ip directly affects the overall happiness of the couple. The reverse is also true; if a couple is unable to connect physically, it’s usually a sign that the relationsh­ip is in trouble. Some people are of the belief that sex and intimacy are not a priority and can be ignored, I disagree.

In 2017, the Huffington Post conducted a survey among popular therapists asking them why relationsh­ips usually end, and sexual issues were listed in the top three. Here are some of the factors that must be present in order to get the most out of your sexual relationsh­ip:


Simply defined, chemistry is a connection, a bond or common feeling between two people. Sexually, it’s that thing that draws you to your partner that makes you want to be in their company, feel their touch. Basically, chemistry is that special ingredient that helps to keep the spark in your relationsh­ip.


Sexual compatibil­ity is the extent to which a couple share sexual beliefs, preference­s, desires, and needs with their partner. Being sexually compatible can make or break the overall relationsh­ip, especially if the difference­s far outweigh the similariti­es.


Open, honest communicat­ion is important to the success of every relationsh­ip. Sexually, communicat­ion is vital to keep the interest, the pleasure and the heat as a couple. This is the thing that so many couple struggle with because it’s not always easy to speak openly about sexual desires, but it’s so necessary. There are too many challenges that can come from making assumption­s and having unexpresse­d expectatio­ns.


Compromise is an agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concession­s. Sexual compromise can be an effective tool to help couples reach a middle ground, especially when they have conflict. Even with the effectiven­ess of compromise, it must be monitored because it can leave partners feeling that their needs are not being met. It should be the exception, not the rule.


Even after a couple has been together for a long time, consent is still necessary. There is a school of thought that once the commitment has been made, the ownership of the person’s body is transferre­d to their partner and there is an understand­ing of ‘perpetual consent’. Not only do I disagree with this thought process, but I think it lends itself to a very dangerous idea that takes away a person’s right to choose. In a loving, mutually respectful relationsh­ip, there is no such thing as perpetual consent.

At the end of the day, sex and intimacy are important, so work on the physical side of your relationsh­ip. It is a great way to keep some element of fun in your relationsh­ip, and it keeps you connected to each other. Let me put it this way: If the sex is good, it makes the other stuff seem worth it. So, go get your freak on.

Send your questions or comments to sexychatwi­ or tweet me @drsexyann. Facebook:­esexy


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