The Star (Jamaica)



Dear Pastor, I am a regular reader of your column, and I want to tell you that you are doing a fine job. I am a senior citizen, but I still enjoy reading your column. You are my big company on the radio at nights. When I don’t hear you at nights, I feel so angry.

Pastor, at my age, not many things bother me, because I have my three children who are supporting me. Two of them live abroad; one in Canada and one in America, and the other one is here in Jamaica. They send me my money every month. The one who lives here in Jamaica doesn’t have much, but he is at the house to see me every weekend.

I have a male friend, and he helps me a lot. He cuts the lawn and does my edges. But, he is more than my gardener. He keeps me happy. I have a little room downstairs. I keep it clean for him. I have a friend, and she asked me who occupies that room downstairs. When I told her that it was my gardener, she laughed. She suspects that he does more than the gardening work, but I didn’t want to tell her. My children accept that he is just my gardener. Pastor, I don’t sleep with him every night, but sometimes I feel for a little bit of loving and I go down to the room or invite him up. My children don’t know that he is my lover.

He is not married, and he doesn’t Dear A.C., I am getting more and more of these letters, and my answer to you right now is very simple. Please discuss this problem with your children. You are still having sexual urges, and you are not dealing with these urges very well. Some women would pray and take cold showers. Some would just read and try to fall asleep. You believe that you should have sex to satisfy your sexual desires, and that is what you have been doing. So, you invite your gardener into your bed.

Be very careful about what you do. You are a senior citizen, and you should be showing examples to others. But no one would even dream that you are such a hot senior citizen. That is why I am telling you to talk to your children and hear how they feel about the matter.

Pastor have a woman of his own. Everything I have belongs to my children. This house was their father’s house. I wanted to write a long time to tell you about my problem, so please answer me.


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