The Star (Jamaica)

Borrowed my boss’ money to save my husband

Now I find myself thinking about this man all the time. I know that without help to pay the lawyer, my husband may go to prison.


Dear Pastor,

I am a security officer and so is my husband, but we work with two different companies.

We have three children. In my company, my supervisor has tried to have an affair with me. I told him that I am not interested and I am happily married. He tries to put me on shifts during the time that he is working. I told my husband about him and my husband told me that I should resign from the company. I do not want to resign, because that would mean that we would have to be living on one pay cheque.

A couple of my co-workers have suspected that this man and I have got very close. One of them called my husband and told him that I was having an affair. My husband told her thanks for the call but he is aware

of it.

He knew that I was not having an affair, but this man will not leave me alone.

My husband got himself into trouble, so we had to hire a lawyer. I did not have any money, so I went to this man and asked him for a loan. I should say that it was my husband’s suggestion that I should ask him. We needed $200,000. He gave me $100,000 as a loan and said that the other $100,000 would be a gift from him, but I should not tell my husband that it was a gift.

He said that I should just play my cards right.

Now I find myself thinking about this man all the time. I know that without help to pay the lawyer, my husband may go to prison. I have not yet gone to this man, but I know that very soon I may do so, because my husband does not have any money saved, and I love him too much to see him go to prison.

Whenever we are working together, he does not give me any heavy-duty stuff, so most of the girls say that I am his woman. I am still planning to resign from this company and work with another in the same field.

Initials Withheld

Dear Writer,

You did not have to go to this man for financial help. You probably could have tried to get help from relatives.

You could have sought help from the bank or any other organisati­on. When you asked this man for help, you exposed yourself. You gave him the impression that you liked him. Your husband should not have put you under that sort of pressure. Now you feel obligated to this man.

Are you not a member of a credit union? Try your best to get this money from a financial institutio­n and give this man the full amount of $200,000.


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