The Korea Times

Enjoy learning English (1)

EDUCATION 영어공부를즐겨라(1)

- < 3월 23일자코리아타임스­5면기사>

On their own, students will only study a subject if they love it. They’ll make time to study it where no time seems to exist and imagine themselves one day being good at it, which will inspire them to study more.

학생들이 스스로 공부하는 것은 해당 과목을 좋아하는 경우에 그렇다. 좋아하는 과목이 있다면 학생들은 시간이 도저히 없는와중에도 어떻게든 공부할 시간을 내고, 언젠가잘하게될날을머­릿속으로그리며더욱공­부할의욕을얻는다.

If they love English, they will continue to study it even when they run into the inevitable difficulti­es that are a part of every subject.

학생들이 좋아하는 것이 영어라면 모든과목에서 그렇듯 피할수없는 어려움에 직면하더라도계속공부­해나갈것이다.

They will find ways to overcome these obstacles and in their struggles become more confident in their knowledge and ability with the language, but they won’t stop there.

이들은어려움을이겨낼­방법을찾아내고그 과정에서 자신의 지식과 능력에 더욱자신감을갖게되지­만,이게전부가아니다.

Because they love it, many Koreans can speak English almost as if they are

native speakers, even if they have never left Korea.

그냥 좋아한다는 이유로, 많은 한국인들은해외에한번­도나가본적이없는데도­거의원어민처럼영어를­구사한다.

If they hadn’t liked English, though, but were forced to learn it ― by their parents sending them to l anguage academies or by their teachers scaring them into studying it for a grade ― they would have only l earned just enough to pass a qualifying test of some sort, then would have soon forgotten it.

하지만 이들이 영어를 좋아하지도 않고억지로 영어를 배워야만 했다면(부모님이

학원에보낸다거나 선생님이성적을들먹이­며 공부를 강요한다거나 하는 식으로 말이다), 이들은시험을간신히통­과할만한수준으로 영어 공부를 하고 나서는 바로 잊어버렸을것이다.

If they didn’t like it, they never would have looked into it deeply and wouldn’t have become good with it either.

좋아하지 않는다면 깊이 탐구할 일이 없고, 그러면 잘하게 될 일도 없었을 테니까말이다.

Students who become good with English don’t think about tests. They study every detail of the language as

carefully as they can.

영어를잘하는학생들은­시험에대해서는생각하­지 않는 학생들이다. 이런 사람들은최선을 다해 언어의 전반을 아주 면밀하게연구한다.

They will listen to the pronunciat­ion of the best speakers, paying attention to how people enunciate each syllable of every word, then practice speaking the words to themselves until they can say them as clearly as an eloquent native speaker says them.

가장 뛰어난 원어민들의 발음을 새겨 듣고, 다른사람들이단어의각­음절을어떻게발음하는­지 관찰하고, 그 단어를 유창한 원어민 만큼이나 분명히 말할수있을 때까지연습을거듭한다.

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