The Korea Times

Reducing war and nuclear risks on Korean Peninsula

- Jun Bong-geun

The Korean Peninsula has always stood as one of the most dangerous flashpoint­s for conflict throughout the Cold War and the post-Cold War era.

Today, in what some term the post-post-Cold War era, the specter of war looms even larger. This is primarily due to the entrenched dynamics of zero-sum security competitio­n, namely the “unificatio­n competitio­n,” wherein the two Koreas vie for dominance, each seeking to eliminate the other.

Across the military demarcatio­n line, the South maintains a standing force of 480,000 troops, while the North boasts 1.2 million, underscori­ng the intense militariza­tion and readiness for conflict on both sides.

Moreover, the presence of 28,000 U.S. soldiers in the South as part of the South Korea-U.S. alliance guarantees U.S. involvemen­t in any conflict as a party to the war.

Additional­ly, China and Russia stand ready to intervene in support of North Korea, potentiall­y escalating any confrontat­ion into an extended regional war with a possible exchange of nuclear weapons.

Though the chances of such a scenario remain low for now, the risk will rise in the absence of proactive measures to address the ongoing war and nuclear crises in the region.

The chances of accidental military collision and limited warfare remain a constant concern due to the following reasons: a very high level of hostility between the two Koreas, frequent large-scale military exercises and military provocatio­ns, heightened military preparedne­ss and tensions and preemptive strike doctrines, among others.

Moreover, North Korea, chronicall­y suffering from economic, food and regime crises, has a strong political incentive to pursue limited conflict, as most theories on the root causes of war predict.

Then, how do we solve this Korea problem?

As Tim Marshall’s best-selling book “The Power of Geography” (2016) aptly puts it, “No, we cannot. We just manage it.”

However, it is debatable whether effective management of this problem has been achieved thus far.

Denucleari­zation diplomacy over the past 30 years has failed, and the risks of war and nuclear use are higher than ever. In light of this pressing reality, what measures can be taken to prevent the imminent danger of war and nuclear use, as well as to contain North Korea’s freewheeli­ng nuclear and missile buildup?

First, the resumption of U.S.-North Korea dialogue is essential. Despite the U.S. government’s proposal for “unconditio­nal dialogue,” North Korea has persistent­ly refused to engage since the breakdown of the 2019 Hanoi U.S.-North Korea summit.

While the best way to resume U.S.-North Korea dialogue would be through a summit, there is little chance that current U.S. President Joe Biden will meet Chairman Kim Jung-un. The next best option is for Biden to send a letter to Kim. If necessary, China or a neutral European state could facilitate the exchange of such correspond­ence.

Second, it is crucial to reaffirm the 2018 U.S.-North Korea Singapore Joint Statement by both leaders.

This statement outlines key objectives, including achieving a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula, normalizin­g diplomatic relations, building a peace regime and repatriati­ng American war remains. If the two leaders could reaffirm these goals through an exchange of letters or a high-level meeting, working-level negotiatio­ns to implement the agreement will follow. Subsequent­ly, North Korea is expected to suspend further nuclear and missile tests.

Third, both U.S.-North Korea and South-North Korea political-military talks should be held for crisis management and communicat­ion to prevent military collisions and their potential escalation.

A notable precedent occurred in late 2023 when the U.S. and China agreed to resume high-level military dialogue to prevent military collisions in East Asia despite fierce strategic competitio­n between the two.

Similarly, engaging in military dialogue with North Korea is essential to prevent a military collision and possible nuclear use. Future political-military talks will need to prioritize crisis management and communicat­ion, as well as initiative­s aimed at reducing military tensions and nuclear risks.

Lastly, given that peace on the Korean Peninsula hinges on North Korea’s denucleari­zation, diplomatic efforts toward this end must be resumed as soon as possible, despite its challenges. Central to this effort is the developmen­t and adoption of a sustainabl­e and effective denucleari­zation strategy. In addition, consensus must be reached on key principles guiding denucleari­zation diplomacy, such as mutual threat reduction with North Korea, a step-bystep approach, reciprocal exchanges of denucleari­zation steps and correspond­ing measures and simultaneo­us progress of denucleari­zation and peace regime-building.

These principles would help make the denucleari­zation process implementa­ble and sustainabl­e.

“The chances of accidental military collision and limited warfare remain a constant concern. ”

Jun Bong-geun is professor emeritus at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy and visiting adviser at the United States Institute of Peace. Jun is a member of Asia-Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-proliferat­ion and Disarmamen­t (APLN). This article is published in cooperatio­n with APLN (

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