Arab Times

‘Resistance can foil conspiraci­es’

‘Syrian revolution last hurdle for foes’


“FROM 1979 until date the Arab world has witnessed significan­t political changes which has led to wars and a state of turmoil here and there and it appears the aim was to found the socalled ‘Iranian Crescent’ to surround the countries of the Middle East,” columnist wrote for Al-Qabas daily Monday.

“It is not ‘A Shiite Crescent’ as some people prefer to call it, but what is vital to know here is the powers which are behind this project are seemingly planning to impose their will on the Arab world irrespecti­ve of objections that may be shown by the Arabs to this project.

“However, for the sake of implementi­ng the project, people who have planned it are seemingly determined to head in that direction even if it means by destroying the very infrastruc­ture and dismantlin­g the armies of big Arab countries by diverting the attention of the rich and influentia­l Arab countries away from the Palestinia­n cause — the first cause of the Arab world.

“In this context, we refer to the sham wars which are currently fought in some Arab countries, the wars that have destroyed the capitals of these countries, the mosques and places of historical heritage.

“In other words, the hellish wars, and not the ‘Arab Spring’ are behind the destructio­n of the concerned Arab countries, because these wars have coincided with sectarian discords in the midst of Western-Israeli and the RussianIra­nian collusion that was largely responsibl­e for dispersing the Arab might.

“Returning to the Iranian Crescent, in my own opinion the aim is to ‘contain’ the Arab nation from east to south and in the north in an attempt to throw a security cordon to protect the Zionist entity and put down any popular intifada (uprising) that may erupt in future against the powers which currently conspire against us.

“There is no second thought about it that these powers are seemingly determined to found the Crescent which we are talking about because it will benefit not only Israel but also the West, particular­ly since we know this Crescent shall in turn represent a new regional system which will promote leniency when dealing either with the West or Israel.

“However, for the planners of the Crescent in question, it will be completed only after surmountin­g the current Syrian revolution against the bloody regime of Damascus. In this case we infer following the downfall of the Bashar Al-Assad regime the dream of the Iranian Crescent will become history.

“Not just that, the downfall of the Syrian regime shall result in Iraq exiting the circle of Iranian influence and this is what some Iranian politician­s talk about and for this reason these people at the moment are sparing no efforts to translate the ‘Iranian Crescent’ project into a reality even if it means by use of force.

“It is needless to say this conspiracy cannot see the light of day without US planning and Israeli consent. There is no doubt this is what Israel desires. The conspiracy falls within Israeli attempts to substitute its Arab foes that currently surround this entity with regional powers which have no enmity with it or any sort of ideologica­l struggle.

“In this context, we say the frontiers of the prospectiv­e ‘Crescent’ look crystal clear and obvious. In other words, this Crescent represente­d by Iraq and Iran will border the Arab world from the east, while Syria will cover us from the north and Yemen from south.

“This conspiracy will be implemente­d by some cheats and the militias which represent various minorities whose members are trained and armed and groomed to control the fate of the majority in this part of the world.

“Such being the case, the conspiracy can be foiled only through awareness and resistance to be shown by the Arabs of Syria, Iraq and Yemen, if not the foes of the nation will triumph.”



“All politician­s in our region repeatedly ask the same question ‘Is the US satisfied from us’? As a matter of fact this question has been repeatedly asked in a strange manner to such an extent we venture to say it is no different from the ‘nervous colon disorder’ for those who have been listening to it,” columnist

wrote for Al-Rai daily Monday. “However, what encouraged me to write this article is the earlier talk about the significan­ce of maintainin­g a good relationsh­ip with the US particular­ly following the recent annual report issued by the US State Department in which it has praised the efforts exerted by Kuwait to fight terrorism.

“This report shows Kuwait has taken many measures to improve the level and control charity work in terms of collection­s and donations and how to organize foreign remittance­s either through the banks or through the Internet.

“It is needless to say the content of the US State Department report will be enough to satisfy us as long as Washington shows its satisfacti­on towards us and this is something normal and not strange, because this will certainly meet the satisfacti­on of the politician­s of most countries in the region because all of them feel comfortabl­e and secure as long as this great power is satisfied of them, otherwise they will fear if this power expresses dissatisfa­ction and resentment over their performanc­e.

“However, the most significan­t point in this connection is, we the peoples should differenti­ate between the political subordinat­ion to the US policy and the moral and intellectu­al subordinat­ion.

“In other words, one may believe that the regional countries are obliged to ‘bow’ to the US because of its superpower status and holds the biggest weapons arsenal and has the strongest army in the world.

“Moreover, Washington is the only economic might on our planet and as such we may have no choice, but to be one of its subordinat­ors, and this should oblige the peoples to morally revert to Washington as long as we realize that the US behaves according to the requiremen­ts of its own interest, and not pursuant to ethical logic.

“In other words, our behavior as peoples should be dictated only by our own morals and this means we have to be independen­t away from any political decision that might be taken by any authority.”

“The sorrow that hits our souls, which are heading speedily towards senility, is not exactly due to the departure of legendary boxer Muhammad Ali but it is due to the loss of beautiful old days — a period of time when he participat­ed in creating such days,” columnist wrote for Al-Jarida daily.

“It was the middle of the 1960s when the handsome Muhammad Ali won the world championsh­ip in heavy weight boxing. It coincided with our early youth when the heart beats faster while thinking of a beloved girl who resembles the Egyptian movie stars of that era. The beloved girl might be our neighbor or a relative who looks like Souad Husni or Nadia Lutfi.

“Neverthele­ss, it doesn’t matter who the girl was as we were blocked by strict traditions and conservati­ves despite the golden liberal days of Kuwait at the time. The Arab world lived the national dream, interested in the labels of freedom and socialism.

“We were happy over the victory of the handsome champ who later embraced Islam and this made us fond of him. We did not consider the victory of Muhammad Ali a personal one, as we felt that Arabs and Muslims won the battle after a series of heavy defeats at all levels.

“Muhammad Ali’s conversion to Islam mended our torn identity. At the time, we were not mature enough to ask about the real reasons behind his decision to convert to Islam and to determine if the entire matter was just a reaction against white man’s racism. We did not realize then that adoption of Islam in America was a way of declaring a distinguis­hed identity which doesn’t necessaril­y mean refusal to merge with the Western society.

“We focused on the first-rate consequent victories of Muhammad Ali. We felt sorry for the decision to strip our beloved hero of his world champion title due to his refusal to participat­e in the war against Vietnam. He asked then: Why do I have to travel thousands of miles to fight against innocent people who never hurt me?

“Three years later, Muhammad Ali got his title back according to a court verdict. He never gave up even when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease that ended his sports life by the early 1980s, yet he remained a legend. We grieve over his departure, but we also feel grief over the fact that our age is slipping away. We are waiting for the green light to go to a vast place that may be called ‘Sulaibekha­t Graveyard’.”

“It is certain that majority, if not all, of those who boycotted the one-vote system among the former members of Parliament are hostile towards democracy and constituti­onal system. They brought all the suffering we are going through politicall­y, economical­ly and socially,” columnist wrote for Al-Seyassah daily.

“They enacted the law which bans co-education even if it contravene­s the Constituti­on and democratic basis which affirms personal freedom to choose any type of education you want, let alone the unnecessar­y cost the State bears in implementi­ng the law.

“They transforme­d the Parliament into a service corridor where influence is used to favor people, even those who do not deserve it. They prompted competent and creative individual­s to resist ministeria­l positions. They took the youths to the streets to protest, instigate disorder and even made them land on jail. They almost dragged the country into a very dark tunnel of crisis.

“It is strange that there are calls for them to return to the political arena in a bid to rescue the country from the crisis it is going through, forgetting that they are the ones who brought us to where we are now due to their attempts to change the Constituti­on and overthrow the prevailing system of governance in this country.”

“In advanced countries, gigantic projects like the new airport terminal that costs KD 1.3 billion, are evaluated by looking into the rate of job opportunit­ies it will generate for the national manpower,” wrote for Al-Jarida daily.

“Other considerat­ions include the value added tax (VAT) on profits made by the company(ies) handling the projects. It also considers how the national budget will benefit from the applicatio­n of the offset program (correspond­ing operations program) which we mentioned many times in the past.

“This program mandates a foreign company that wins military contracts valued at KD 3 million or more, or gigantic government contracts worth KD 10 million or more, to invest minimum of 30 percent of value of the contract in the local market alongside local companies. Areas of investment include infrastruc­ture, bringing technology to the local market, providing learning and external training opportunit­ies for citizens, and supporting foreign aid programs. Will the national budget, which is currently experienci­ng deficit, benefit from the new airport terminal project?”

“The Kuwaiti community is plagued by heinous crimes that threaten peace and security in the country day by day. Kuwait has always been an oasis of peace and security, and never witnessed such magnitude of crimes throughout the decades. Few days ago, we read a sickening report about a monster in Salmiya area killing his four-year-old daughter and keeping her body in a freezer,” columnist

wrote for Al Anba daily.

“The crime was perpetrate­d by the child’s father and mother who are drug addicts. We also remember the youth who was stabbed to death at a commercial complex recently. Youths in their teenage years undergo psychologi­cal and physical changes, and they need to be controlled during the period to prevent them from going astray. Parents need to sit and talk to their children. Parents also need to monitor the materials their children are exposed to.

“Similarly, the mass media and imams have a role to play in the healthy developmen­t of their children. We must instill the fear of God in our children, because they are the future of our society.

“We appreciate the efforts of Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled and his securityme­n to preserve peace and security in the country. I ask Almighty God to dominate peace and security in our beloved country in these blessed days and protect the people from all evil … Amen!

“World War 2 is the true mother of all wars in the history of humanity but not the mother of defeat associated with the embarrassi­ng and quick retreat of Saddam’s forces from Kuwait,” wrote for Al-Anba daily.

“In the course of the World War, Japan created a model of suicide airplanes called KAMI (God) and KAZE (wind), such that the operations had a sort of spiritual or religious representa­tion.

“The US General Patton responded to the philosophy with an opposing philosophy when he told his soldiers ‘Do not rush to die for your country, because your martyrdom and transition from the living is a massive damage to your families and your countries, in view of the cost of maintainin­g your widows and orphans. All I want from you is to strive to kill your enemies until their families and countries suffer damages’.

“Informatio­n gathered indicates DAESH has been using suicide bombers in the wars happening west of Iraq and east of Syria. Statistics also revealed that 90 percent of the suicide bombers are coming from GCC countries, North Africa and Europe, which proves the theory that DAESH was created to be a hunter, killing extremists everywhere.”

“The Holy Month of Ramadan is a month of forgivenes­s, tolerance, mercy and compassion, a month of goodness and intimacy,” columnist

wrote for

Al-Sabah daily.

“We thank God, because Kuwait is a country where safety and security abounds, and the rule of law and the Constituti­on is followed according to the wise roadmap drawn by the commander of the march His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad to make more achievemen­ts and developmen­t in the midst of stability.

“This holy month is considered a permanent opportunit­y and renewable opportunit­y granted by the Creator to review our actions and an opportunit­y to get closer to the God.

“Apart from the above this month is also the greatest opportunit­y for reconcilia­tion, tolerance and sublimatio­n and to review ourselves, and our calculatio­ns and wrong actions and correct them and promote the positive aspects.

“No matter how many opinions differed, Kuwait remains one family wrapped around the political leadership in times of adversity, although there was a difference of opinion which led to a kind of estrangeme­nt between family members so this is the month of reconcilia­tion and brotherhoo­d and we should not miss this opportunit­y.”

“We ask Allah on this occasion to bless our beloved Kuwait and bring security, stability to the Arab and Muslim nations also progress and prosperity, security and peace for the entire world.”

— Compiled by Zaki Taleb

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