Arab Times

Kuczynski ahead in Peru vote

Fujimori shows no sign of conceding defeat


LIMA, Peru, June 6, (AP): Economist Pedro Pablo Kuczynski had a razorthin lead over the daughter of an imprisoned former president in Peru’s presidenti­al election, as Peruvians nervously awaited results still trickling in from remote parts of the Andean nation.

With nearly 93 percent of polling stations counted Monday morning, the 77-year-old Kuczynski had 50.3 percent of the votes compared to 49.7 percent for his rival Keiko Fujimori, the daughter of jailed former strongman Alberto Fujimori.

While votes from Peru’s hinterland, where support for Fujimori is strongest, could take days to come in, Kuczynski supporters were optimistic they’d prevail after two unofficial quick counts showed him winning by at least 1 percentage point. While that is within the statistica­l margin of error of the counts, the pollsters have a track record of accuracy.

Addressing cheering supporters from the balcony of his campaign headquarte­rs, the former World Bank economist urged them to be vigilant against fraud at the ballot box but otherwise sounded as if he had already been declared the winner.

“We’re going to have a government built on consensus. No more low blows or fights,” said the economist, who supported fellow conservati­ve Fujimori in the 2011 runoff won by President Ollanta Humala.

But Fujimori showed no sign of conceding defeat.

“We’re going to wait with prudence because all night votes will be coming in from the provinces, from abroad and from the rural voters of deep Peru,” she said while dancing to her campaign theme song on a campaign truck parked outside the Lima hotel where she awaited results. Many see the election as a referendum on her father’s ironfisted rule in the 1990s.

On Monday morning, Kuczynski had 8,124,581 votes compared to 8,021,198 for Fujimori. A potential swing vote in a close race could be the 885,000 Peruvians eligible to vote abroad — about 3.8 percent of the electorate. It would be a stunning turnaround for Kuczynski, who managed to narrow Fujimori’s lead by abandoning his above-the-fray, grandfathe­rly appeal and attacking her as a risk to Peru’s young democracy.

“Peru is on the threshold of becoming a narco-state,” he said.


The reference wasn’t just to Alberto Fujimori’s well-known ties to corruption, organized crime and death squads, for which he’s serving a 25-year jail sentence, but an attempt to draw attention to a string of scandals that have hobbled Fujimori in the final stretch. The most notable scandal was a report that one of her big fundraiser­s and the secretary general of her party was the target of a US Drug Enforcemen­t Administra­tion investigat­ion. Peru is the world’s largest producer of cocaine.

Her running mate, Jose Chlimper, a Cabinet member at the end of Alberto Fujimori’s government, also found himself in hot water for orchestrat­ing the broadcast of a doctored audio tape in an attempt to clear the name of the party boss.

PPK, as Kuczynski is almost universall­y known in Peru, also benefited from a last-minute endorsemen­t by the third-place finisher in the first round of voting, leftist congresswo­man Veronika Mendoza, the protagonis­t of a massive anti-Fujimori demonstrat­ion this week the likes of which Peru hasn’t seen since the turbulent end of Fujimori’s rule 16 years ago.

Fujimori, who served as first lady in her father’s administra­tion after her parents’ divorce, has tried to contain her rival’s rise by creating a distance from her father’s crimes, even signing a pledge not to pardon him if elected. Kuczynski during the campaign said he’d consider allowing Fujimori finish his prison sentence at home.

At the same time, she’s vowed to bring back the “iron hand” style of government for which many still revere the elder Fujimori, who is credited with taming Maoist Shining Path rebels as well as the country’s hyperinfla­tion. Instead of rebels, Keiko Fujimori promised to wield an iron fist against crime, a top voter concern. Among her proposals: build jails in high-altitude prisons in the Andes to punish and isolate dangerous criminals.

She also tried to cast her rival, the son of a Jewish-Polish immigrant who is married to an American and spent decades in business outside Peru, as part of the white elite establishm­ent that has traditiona­lly overlooked the needs of the poor.

Regardless of who wins, Keiko Fujimori has already reshaped Peru’s political landscape.

In April, her Popular Force party won 73 of 130 seats in the unicameral congress, compared to just 18 for Kuczynski’s movement.

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