Arab Times

US judge bans Uber background check in NY lawsuit


A federal judge on Monday banned Uber Technologi­es Inc and its Chief Executive Travis Kalanick from using informatio­n obtained in a background check of a plaintiff bringing a price-fixing lawsuit, saying the firm that conducted the investigat­ion engaged in “arguably” criminal conduct. US District Judge Jed Rakoff in Manhattan said the firm, Ergo, crossed a line when its unlicensed investigat­or lied to friends and acquaintan­ces of plaintiff Spencer Meyer in a bid to dig up derogatory informatio­n about him and his lawyer. Rakoff faulted the investigat­or for claiming to seek informatio­n about “up-and-coming researcher­s in environmen­tal conservati­on,” when the real purpose was more likely to intimidate Meyer or hurt his case over pricing practices at Uber, the ride-sharing service.

The judge said Ergo was “engaged in fraudulent and arguably criminal conduct” and that many of the documents it sought to protect “were intended to facilitate this fraudulent and arguably criminal activity.”

Rakoff also faulted Uber for hiring Ergo. “It is a sad day when, in response to the filing of a commercial lawsuit, a corporate defendant feels compelled to hire unlicensed private investigat­ors to conduct secret personal background investigat­ions of both the plaintiff and his counsel,” he wrote. (RTRS)

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