Arab Times

EU reality dims British demand

UK premier tells summit not to ignore her


BRUSSELS, Oct 23, (RTRS): Britain will “continue to play a full role until we leave”, Prime Minister Theresa May told fellow leaders at her first EU summit; but for many Britons in Brussels that is a forlorn hope.

Formally, yes, the heads of European Union institutio­ns say Britain and its citizens will keep seats at council tables and in Parliament or go on with EU civil service careers in the two to three years left before it quits the 28-nation bloc.

In reality, say British lawmakers and officials in Brussels — some of whom were offered trauma counsellin­g by employers after the Brexit referendum four months ago to the day — they are already being sidelined, and expect further isolation.

“Why should anyone listen to us?” said a British member of the European Parliament who forecast a December mid-term reshuffle of posts such as committee chairs will see many compatriot­s lose out. “People are polite, sympatheti­c,” the MEP told Reuters. “But in the end, of course, we are leaving.”


Although May cautioned fellow leaders not to bind Britain by decisions taken without her, as at last month’s summit of 27 in Bratislava, they insist the EU must move on and are annoyed, for example, by London trying to thwart more EU defence cooperatio­n.

The leader of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s centre-right bloc in the European Parliament took to the BBC’s flagship news show during last week’s summit to warn Britons that such awkward tactics risk poisoning May’s efforts to cut the kind of divorce deal she wants, keeping trade

‘Find solution in Syria’:

Around 150 people rallied in central London on Saturday calling for Britain to take decisive action to end the five-year war in Syria.

They piled up teddy bears outside Downing Street to symbolise the number of young casualties in the battered city of ties while curbing immigratio­n.

“That is creating a lot of anger,” Manfred Weber said of British opposition to new plans for EU defence cooperatio­n that London says might hamper NATO. “Please don’t block it because that would have a lot of impact on the Brexit negotiatio­ns.”

Acknowledg­ing Britain retains veto powers and votes in the EU for now, Weber said: “It’s a question of behaviour, whether you respect each other, not a question of rights.”

Most British MEPs, including most of May’s Conservati­ves, opposed Brexit. There has been anger at those who did not; EU chief executive JeanClaude Juncker demanded of UKIP leader Nigel Farage in the chamber in June: “Why are you still here?”

A German MEP, speaking anonymousl­y since parties have yet to take positions on December’s jobs round, sees a rout of British influence: “The mid-term changes may reflect the new balance of powers, with UK MEPs probably being removed from positions.”

But despite some pressure from fellow MEPs to exclude the British now, lawyers advise that the 73 Britons in the 751-seat chamber must stay — and be able to vote, even on laws that may not affect Britain, or indeed those such as the form of the final divorce that affect it very particular­ly. Few expect the British to take part in the 2019 EU elections, however.

British officials representi­ng London in the many councils of the European Union in Brussels say they are aware of the delicacy of their position but must defend the national interest on a range of issues — from fishing quotas to budget amendments — that have immediate impacts, before Britain

Aleppo from a recent surge in violence.

They also delivered a letter to Prime Minister Theresa May’s 10 Downing Street office demanding she take action to help cease the bloodshed.

“We’re here today to send a very strong message to Theresa May that what’s happening leaves.

Yet as negotiator­s on both sides are preparing for formal talks to start by March in which continenta­l and British diplomats will find themselves on opposite sides of the table, Britain’s backroom envoys in Brussels are avoiding taking too much of a role in discussion­s on longer-term policy issues.

That would be “a bit weird”, one acknowledg­ed.

So far, British officials say, attitudes to them in meetings have not changed hugely, as long as they get “the tone right”.


Britons are keeping especially active in discussion­s on issues where there will continue to be close cooperatio­n post-Brexit, such as foreign and defence policy — as May herself did during summit talks on Syria, Russia and migration.

May’s predecesso­r David Cameron even appointed a new British member to Juncker’s European Commission to replace an ally who, like Cameron, resigned after the Brexit vote; Julian King is now running security policy for the EU executive.

British civil servants in Brussels have been assured by Juncker that for now their jobs are safe. But as nonEU citizens they will need special dispensati­ons to work for the Union and many are considerin­g their options.

One EU job not so far open to them, and unlikely to be, is that of Brexit negotiator. Former French foreign minister Michel Barnier, the man Juncker has appointed to run the talks, and his German deputy have not appointed any Britons to their team.

in Aleppo just cannot continue,” said James Sadri, director of The Syria Campaign, which calls for humanitari­an action in the war-ravaged country.

“There’s 100,000 children living under siege in eastern Aleppo being bombed every day. We need that to stop,” he told AFP. Hundreds of wounded civilians were stranded in rebel-held areas of Aleppo on Saturday as the United Nations said security concerns were again preventing evacuation­s despite Russia extending a ceasefire into a third day.

Demonstrat­ors in London waved placards reading “May: stop Putin”, “Child murder is a war crime” and “Save Aleppo’s children”. They chanted: “Down with Bashar al-Assad! Down with dictators!”

Bert Wander, campaign director with the activist group Avaaz, told AFP: “They could impose sanctions on relevant parts of the Russian economy -- for example, military equipment. (AFP)

‘Expansion decision on Oct 25’:

The British government will make a decision on Tuesday about where to allow airport expansion in south east England, transport minister Chris Grayling said on Sunday.

It is due to decide between plans for a new runway west of London at Heathrow, the busiest airport in both Britain and Europe, or at Gatwick to the south. The decision has been debated for more than 25 years.

“We have got a genuinely difficult decision ... there is going to be a decision on Tuesday,” Grayling told the BBC’s Andrew Marr show. (RTRS)

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