Arab Times

Xi to ‘consolidat­e’ power at meeting

‘Party discipline’ focus


BEIJING, Oct 23, (AFP): The leaders of the world’s most powerful political party gather in Beijing on Monday for a conclave that could change the course of Chinese history.

In meetings at the exclusive Jingxi Hotel, safe from the public’s prying eyes, nearly 400 top members of the Chinese Communist Party will confer for four days, discussing changes to how the giant party will be managed.

The meeting, according to the official Xinhua News service, will focus on the issue of “party discipline”.

The dry rhetoric hides what may be a ferocious, highstakes battle for control over the world’s second largest economy. The Sixth Plenum, as the meeting is known, comes as the party — which has more than 88 million members — faces a period of tectonic change.

Since taking its helm in 2012, General Secretary Xi Jinping has sought to bend it to his will, and taken control of more levers of power than any leader since Mao Zedong. And his anti-corruption campaign has laid waste to the party’s organisati­onal chart, felling seemingly invincible bastions of power such as former security czar Zhou Yongkang, and paralysing lesser bureaucrat­s across the nation with fear.

For Xi, improving party discipline means more than simply reducing cadres’ bad behaviour.

“He has been very ambitious in grabbing power, in arrogating powers to himself,” said Willy Lam, a China expert at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The “major motivation” of any new rules passed during the plenum will be to “consolidat­e (Xi’s) position as the big boss”, he said. Several measures have already been introduced to make sure party members toe Xi’s line, he added, including prohibitio­ns against officials making “groundless criticism”.

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