Arab Times

‘Criticism’ of self-driving cars can kill people: CEO

Decrease in fatalities seen


DETROIT, Oct 23, (AP): Self-driving cars hold the promise of saving thousands of lives each year on US roads. But does pointing out flaws with the technology effectivel­y put people in danger?

That claim was put forth Wednesday by Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk, who criticized the media for harping on the relatively few crashes involving Tesla’s semi-autonomous driving system called Autopilot, while saying little about the about the 1.2 million people who die worldwide each year in humandrive­n vehicles.

“If, in writing some article that’s negative, you effectivel­y dissuade people from using autonomous vehicles, you’re killing people,” said Musk, who expects his self-driving technology to be at least twice as safe as cars driven by humans.

The comments came as Musk announced that all new Tesla vehicles — including the lower-cost Model 3 — will have the hardware needed to drive themselves. The talk is bold but experts say it’s premature until self-driving cars prove they’re better drivers than humans under any circumstan­ces.

“Over time, after the technology has establishe­d itself, one would expect there would be a decrease in fatalities,” says Raj Rajkumar, a computer engineerin­g professor at Carnegie Mellon University who leads its autonomous vehicle research. “But this is too premature to make this claim. Tesla’s technology is known to be imperfect.”

In May, an Ohio man using Autopilot died when his Tesla Model S failed to spot a tractor-trailer crossing a divided highway. Neither the car nor the driver braked, and the Model S crashed into the side of the trailer. Federal investigat­ors are looking into Autopilot’s role in the crash.

There is evidence, however, that one day Musk could be proven to be right. While currently there is little data showing that fully autonomous cars would reduce deaths, there are studies that show computer controls can cut fatalities. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety said it determined from 2016 police data that forward collision warning alone reduced front-into-rear crashes by 27 percent. Automatic braking cut the rear crashes in half and reduced injuries by almost 60 percent.

Tesla’s Autopilot, introduced last year, can maintain a set speed and distance and keep the car in its lane. But the technology works mainly on highways and must be monitored by the driver. Autopilot will turn itself off if drivers have their hands off the wheel for too long.

Musk says Autopilot has already shown itself to be safer than humans. He tweeted earlier this month that Tesla vehicles have been driven 222 million miles in Autopilot mode, with one confirmed driver death. By comparison, the US fatality rate in 2014 was 2.16 deaths per 200 million miles traveled, according to government data.

The new autonomous system has been in testing for more than a year, and Musk said Wednesday it could cut worldwide deaths in half if all cars used it.

Rajkumar was skeptical and called the Tesla announceme­nt “marketing hype.” He said people should be skeptical of Tesla’s claims because of the Florida crash. Self-driving technology “still needs to prove itself,” he said, adding that it has trouble operating in dense urban traffic and inclement weather.

Consumer Reports magazine also is concerned about semi-autonomous systems such as those that allow a car to steer itself.

The magazine believes automakers like Tesla “should take stronger steps to ensure that vehicles with these systems are designed, deployed, and marketed safely,” it said in a statement.


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