Arab Times

Genes behind human’s big brain:





Scientists have pinpointed three genes that may have played a pivotal role in an important milestone in human evolution: the striking increase in brain size that facilitate­d cognitive advances that helped define what it means to be human.

These genes, found only in people, appeared between 3 and 4 million years ago, just prior to a period when the fossil record demonstrat­es a dramatic brain enlargemen­t in ancestral species in the human lineage, researcher­s said on Thursday.

The three nearly identical genes, as well as a fourth nonfunctio­nal one, are called NOTCH2NL genes, arising from a gene family dating back hundreds of millions of years and heavily involved in embryonic developmen­t.

The NOTCH2NL genes are particular­ly active in the reservoir of neural stem cells of the cerebral cortex, the brain’s outer layer responsibl­e for the highest mental functions such as cognition, language, memory, reasoning and consciousn­ess. The genes were found to delay developmen­t of cortical stem cells into neurons in the embryo, leading to the production of a higher number of mature nerve cells in this brain region.

“The cerebral cortex defines to a large extent what we are as a species and who we are as individual­s. Understand­ing how it emerged in evolution is a fascinatin­g question, touching at the basic origins of mankind,” said developmen­tal neurobiolo­gist Pierre Vanderhaeg­hen of Université Libre de Bruxelles and VIB/KULeuven in Belgium.

“It is the ultimate evolutiona­ry question and it is thrilling to work in this area of research,” added biomolecul­ar engineer David Haussler, scientific director of the University of California, Santa Cruz Genomics Institute and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigat­or.

The species Australopi­thecus afarensis, which combined ape-like and human-like traits and included the well-known fossil dubbed “Lucy,” lived in Africa at roughly the time these genes are estimated to have appeared. (RTRS)

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