Arab Times

Support for PM Abe rises:



Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s support rose 10 points to outstrip his disapprova­l rating for the first time since February, a survey showed on Monday, boosting his chance of weathering a series of scandals to become Japan’s longest-serving premier.

Abe’s ratings have been on a roller coaster since last year, when the public learned of the heavily discounted sale of state-owned land to a school operator with ties to his wife. Questions also arose over government approval for a new veterinary school by another educationa­l body run by a friend of Abe.

Abe’s support rate jumped to 52 percent in a June 22-24 survey by the Nikkei business daily, while his disapprova­l rating fell to 42 percent.

Those backing the prime minister cited his global view and the stability of his government as the reason — although a hefty majority of voters still don’t think the scandals have been resolved, the paper said. Internatio­nal news including US President Donald Trump’s historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un overshadow­ed scandal news in June.

Abe, who returned to power for a rare second term in 2012 promising to reboot the economy and strengthen defence, also topped the list of lawmakers whom voters want to see win a September ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) leadership race. (RTRS)

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