Arab Times

The theory of hypocrisy

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IBy Ahmad Al-Sarraf

received a wonderful text on the Internet written by Abdel Moneim Youssef. I like to share it with readers but with some modificati­ons and additions.

“Hypocrisy is to justify that the disasters and calamities that have afflicted us are the result of us distancing from God in spite of our faithfulne­ss and closeness to the Creator.

Hypocrisy attributes to our failures because our women although cover their bodies from head to toe are ‘naked’.

Hypocrisy is to know for sure (and figures are testimony to this) that the most religious societies in the world are most corrupt in terms of management, most corrupt in the judiciary, biggest liar when it comes to politics, biggest transgress­ors of rights, biggest harassers of women, most abusive towards children but first to claim that corruption in morality is due to lack of religion. How rude a statement.

There is no worse and less hypocrisy than to demand the applicatio­n of Sharia in your country and then migrate to live in a secular country. There is no uglier hypocrisy than asking for more religious material in the school curriculum and then enroll your children in a foreign school. There is no bigger hypocrisy than burning the American flag on every occasion or even if there is no occasion and then stand in a queue at the US Embassy to obtain a visit visa.

Hypocrisy lies in rejoicing the existence of big luxurious mosques in the heart of New York, London and Paris, or rejoicing seeing a young Westerner reciting the two testimonie­s when converting to Islam, albeit with difficulty, behind a sheikh in a mosque in the West and see it as a victory for Islam but does not see it as a victory for human rights and individual and religious freedoms. A priest who baptized a Muslim even within the Vatican is considered a conspiracy against us all.

Hypocrisy is when attention is not paid to bribery (which has festered), tax evasion, corruption, money laundering, tampering with goods (even edible stuff), the drug mafia, jihadist militias and arms smuggling, but paying more attention to women wearing short skirts or taking offense to a painting of a man and a woman kissing.

Hypocrisy is to see Angela Merkel working for the happiness of her people, seeing Teresa Mae heading the government in the UK and many women who rule the world in Europe, North and South America, Australia, East Asia and Africa, the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund, the Internatio­nal Court of Justice and most UN organizati­ons even women holding the post of defense minister as in Norway, Sweden, the Netherland­s, Germany, Spain and Japan and (we) saying women are unfit for public office.

Hypocrisy is when you look at all the women on planet Earth as genitalia (shame), and fuel for the fire of hell, except your mother, because she is compared to ‘Paradise’.

Our backwardne­ss is not because of our distance from religion. The advanced atheist nations have no religion, but we are backward because we do not take the causes of progress and developmen­t, because we and our government­s are corrupt and we are backward.

We are far from sciences and education, and our situation is desperate because we think that God only guides us and does not destroy us. We do not understand that if a believer and a kaafir (infidel) jumped into the sea at the same time, the one who knows to swim will survive.

 ??  ?? Al-Sarraf

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