Arab Times

Ferry disaster death toll 218:



Grieving families were on Sunday preparing to bury victims of Tanzania’s devastatin­g ferry disaster, with more than 200 confirmed dead after the crowded boat capsized in Lake Victoria.

Hopes were fading of finding any more survivors three days after the ferry sank on Thursday, even after rescuers pulled out an engineer who had managed to find refuge in an air pocket in the upturned vessel.

“We are going to start burying bodies not yet identified by relatives,” said John Mongella, governor of Mwanza region, where the MV Nyerere ferry had been coming in to dock on the island of Ukara.

“The (burial) ceremony will be overseen by Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa, in the presence of clergy members of different denominati­ons,” Mongella said Saturday on TBC 1 public television.

Divers were also set to continue their grim search in the waters around the boat, where late Saturday they were watched by anxious crowds gathered just metres (yards) away on Ukara’s shore.

Mongella said 218 people had been confirmed dead, while 41 escaped the tragedy with their lives — a total figure far above the official capacity of the boat, which was in theory only able to carry 101 passengers.

One survivor was an engineer who shut himself into a “special room” with enough air for him to stay alive until he was found, said local lawmaker Joseph Mkundi. (AFP)

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