Arab Times

‘Kuwait backs efforts contributi­ng to Sudan’s security and stability’


KHARTOUM, Aug 18, (KUNA): Kuwait on Saturday stressed support to all efforts that contribute to achieving security and stability in Sudan.

“We hope that the transition­al period will be a platform to move Sudan to stability and prosperity,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Anas Al-Saleh to KUNA after his participat­ion in the signing ceremony of the transition­al arrangemen­ts’ accord in Sudan.

Al-Saleh expressed Kuwait’s support for all efforts that contribute to achieving security and stability in Sudan.

Earlier today, the military council in Sudan and the forces for freedom and change officially signed the transition­al accord to create a sovereign council consisting of 11 members in a ceremony attended by regional and internatio­nal officials.

The Transition­al Council Head

Abdulfatta­h Al-Burhan affirmed in his speech during the celebratio­n that the Sudanese revolution has achieved its goals through the people, calling on youth to contribute to the process of building the new Sudan.

“We look forward to this agreement to usher in a new era and new goals that we are confident of achieving,” said the forces of freedom and change leader, Muhammad Naji AlAsam.

The timetable for the implementa­tion of the civilian structures of the authority began with the final signing of the agreement between the forces of freedom and the transition­al military council before the latter is dissolved the next day and the nomination of the members of the 11-member sovereign council in which civilians hold a major

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