Arab Times

Voters urge GOP to act on guns

Once-reliable suburbs turn competitiv­e


GILBERT, Ariz, Aug 18, (AP): Following the news has grown stressful for Angela Tetschner, a 39-year-old nurse raising four children in this sprawling Phoenix suburb of tile roofs, desert yards, young families and voters who are increasing­ly up for grabs.

“Sometimes I do think about the school shootings,” said Tetschner, who doesn’t pay much attention to politics but has been disappoint­ed in President Donald Trump, days after sending her 5-year-old boy to kindergart­en. She’d like to see Congress tighten gun laws, but her expectatio­ns for action are low.

“You can’t not put your kid in school,” she said. “I just hope and pray that nothing happens.”

Tetschner’s worries are weighing heavy on Republican­s in Arizona and elsewhere in the wake of recent mass shootings. The party has seen oncereliab­le suburbs turn competitiv­e as women worry about their children’s safety and bristle at Trump’s harsh rhetoric on race and immigratio­n, and they embraced Democratic alternativ­es in last year’s midterm elections.

GOP candidates looking ahead at tough races increasing­ly are eyeing new ways to address anxieties about gun violence, and to do that without crossing the party’s base, which sees gun restrictio­ns as an infringeme­nt on the constituti­onal right to bear arms.

“Republican­s’ backs are already against the wall among suburban voters, particular­ly college-educated women,” said Whit Ayres, a Republican consultant. “And the inability of our political system to pass what most Americans see as commonsens­e reforms related to gun violence only makes the matter worse.”

That tension is palpable in Arizona, a state with an ardent gun culture as well as a growing population of newcomers seeking sun, jobs and affordable housing in the suburbs that ring Phoenix.

Republican Sen. Martha McSally’s challenge is to navigate that divide. The freshman senator is facing a difficult reelection fight, probably against Democrat Mark Kelly , a former astronaut who became a prominent guncontrol advocate after his wife, thenUS Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, was shot in the head in an attempted assassinat­ion in Tucson in 2011.

While gun control often fades from the conversati­on weeks after a highprofil­e shooting, the issue is likely to be a steady presence in this race, but not determine the outcome by itself. “It’s a part of their decision-making process, but it’s only a part of it,” said David Winston, a Republican pollster who advises GOP congressio­nal leaders.

Pressure on McSally has been evident since shootings in California, Texas and Ohio. She has adopted a softer tone and spoken forcefully against hate and domestic terrorism. A vocal supporter of gun rights who once called universal background checks unconstitu­tional, McSally now says she is open to talking about new gun laws. She also says she intends to introduce legislatio­n to make domestic terrorism a federal crime.


“We all need to do our part, whether there’s a federal element, a state element, a society element,” McSally told reporters in Phoenix on Thursday. “Let’s figure out what we can do that’s meaningful, that’s thoughtful, that’s not political theater in order to stop these crimes.”

McSally’s message echoes what other Republican­s are saying.

After two shootings killed 31 people in less than 24 hours, President Donald Trump started talking about tougher background checks on gun buyers and prominent Republican­s expressed support for laws that make it easier for authoritie­s to seize weapons from people deemed suicidal or dangerous.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., a longtime opponent of gun control laws, said the Senate could not fail to act, although he ignored a push by Democrats to call lawmakers back from summer recess to debate the issue.

McSally’s hopes for holding her seat hinge on holding onto voters in suburbs such as Gilbert, Mesa and Scottsdale where Republican­s have traditiona­lly performed well but saw their fortunes wane in last year’s midterms. Before she was appointed to the seat held by the late Sen. John McCain, McSally narrowly lost a 2018 Senate race to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema, partly due to voters on the outskirts of Phoenix who split their tickets, voting for both Sinema and Republican Gov. Doug Ducey.

McSally said her talk about changing gun laws is not new. She said that as a congresswo­man, she sponsored an National Rifle Associatio­n-backed bill to improve background checks by making sure the database of people barred from owning guns is complete. But her openness, at least rhetorical­ly, to new restrictio­ns is a departure from her responses to earlier large-scale shootings.

After the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, last year, McSally told an Arizona newspaper: “We have to address how we deal with those dealing with mental health issues.”

The Republican Main Street Partnershi­p, a group of about 50 GOP members of Congress representi­ng suburban districts, believes women in suburbs overwhelmi­ngly support action.

Suburban women “want their guns, but they also want some kind of background checks,” said Sarah Chamberlai­n, the group’s president and CEO.

Democrats have reason to be skeptical of Republican pledges on gun legislatio­n. Trump has shifted gears before, under NRA pressure. McConnell has not taken up a House-passed bill approved in February that would require background checks for most private sales, including online and at gun shows, and not just for transactio­ns involving registered gun dealers.

McSally, who may face a primary challenge from an opponent of gun restrictio­ns, is against the House bill. She said the shooters in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, were cleared to buy firearms. She said she is concerned about making criminals of people who lend a gun to their family members or close friends without a background check.

13 arrested at Portland protest:

Police arrested at least 13 people and seized metal poles, bear spray and other weapons Saturday as hundreds of far-right protesters and anti-fascist counter-demonstrat­ors swarmed downtown Portland, Oregon.

Authoritie­s closed bridges and streets to try to keep the rival groups apart. They were largely successful.

“This was a dynamic event with demonstrat­ors frequently moving from one part of the city to another,” Mayor Ted Wheeler said at an evening news conference.

As of early afternoon, most of the rightwing groups had left the area via a downtown bridge. Police used officers on bikes and in riot gear to keep black-clad, helmetand mask-wearing anti-fascist protesters known as antifa - from following them.

But hundreds of people remained downtown and on nearby streets, and there were skirmishes throughout the day. Police declared a gathering of mostly left-wing protesters near Pioneer Courthouse Square a “civil disturbanc­e” and told people to leave.

Police spokeswoma­n Lt. Tina Jones at one point said there were about 1,200 on the streets, but that number fell throughout the day. Six people suffered minor injuries.

The events began late Saturday morning. Flag-waving members of the Proud Boys, Three Percenters militia group and others gathered downtown, some also wearing body armor and helmets. (AP)

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