Arab Times

horoscope By Jacqueline Bigar


Happy Birthday for Thursday, Sept 26,

2019: This year, you often feel as if you must keep certain informatio­n and feelings hushhush. As a result, others find you secretive. If single, you meet people with ease, though you could experience some upset if you relate on a close level. Trust could be an issue. If attached, the two of you keep a lot under wraps. As a couple, you benefit from time away together. Infuse your bond with romance. Virgo might irritate you with their fussing.

The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult.

Capricorn -

(Dec 22 - Jan 19)

***** A relationsh­ip could evolve to a new level of caring. You see a personal matter in a different light. A child or loved one could be most unpredicta­ble. You might not be able to prevent a negative response. Be aware of the tension you are under. Tonight: What suits you best.

Aquarius -

(Jan 20 - Feb 18)

**** One-on-one relating flourishes despite a snafu of some sort. A disagreeme­nt around property or your home could provoke an odd reaction from someone else. Discussion­s could take away some of the tension. Tonight: Be a duo.

Pisces -

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)

**** Speak your mind and share more of your thoughts. You often keep people wondering about what is on your mind. Express your concerns in a diplomatic manner. Do not be surprised at another person’s reaction. Tonight: Say yes to a request.

Aries -

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)

*** You can be unusually frugal and fussy. You want to complete a task and feel that you know the best way. A supervisor might be inclined to change your procedures. You will naturally dig in your heels. Tonight: Do not push yourself too hard.

Taurus -

(Apr 20 - May 20)

**** Your creativity soars as you deal with a child or new friend. You might experience some initial tension, but that will diffuse quickly as long as you can understand where others come from. Tonight: Work on your listening skills.

Gemini -

(May 21 - June 20)

*** Having your personal life run smoothly could be more important to you than you realize. Be ready to change directions if you perceive a snafu. Above all, you have a strong likelihood of understand­ing another person’s upset. Tonight: Go with the flow.

Cancer -

(June 21 - July 22)

*** You say what you feel, but do not be surprised at another person’s reaction. You may feel fatigue, and your desire to change what already is could be blunted. A friend stuns you with his or her unexpected behavior. Tonight: At a favorite haunt.

Leo -

(July 23 - Aug 22)

*** You might suddenly be concerned with your finances. An unexpected request or demand puts you on new turf. Recognize what will happen if you let go and do not exercise some self-discipline. You need to be moderate in your financial dealings. Tonight: As you like it.

Virgo -

(Aug 23 - Sept 22)

**** Keep your head high. Many people are observing your choices and your behavior. Investigat­e new possibilit­ies with more care. You might want to take a stab at making an agreement that suits you involving a new project. Tonight: Work with a sudden change in plans.

Libra -

(Sept 23 - Oct 22)

**** Create much more of what you desire. Observe what others are doing more carefully than you have in the recent past. Accept a fast change of pace, knowing full well where you are heading. Tonight: Listen to your inner voice. You will know what to do.

Scorpio -

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)

**** Create more of what you want and you will succeed. Friends will back you with a special project that you cannot say no to. Investigat­e new possibilit­ies with an eye to expanding your horizons. Tonight: A partner does the unexpected.

Sagittariu­s -

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)

*** All eyes turn to a boss or higher-up. Do you really want this kind of role? Think twice. Think of all the flack you might need to absorb. Saying no has its benefits and allows you to be more independen­t. Tonight: A force to behold.

Born today: Tennis player Serena Williams (1981), singer/actress Olivia Newton-John (1948), poet T.S. Eliot (1888)

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