Arab Times

The Sunshine Kindergart­en organises Winter Wonderland


The Sunshine Kindergart­en (TSK), the feeder school to BSK, was transforme­d into a Winter Wonderland last week to celebrate the end of term and Ice Age topic. Parents and children from Crèche to KG had the opportunit­y to join in with the fabulous winter activities on offer throughout school.

Pre-writing skills are the fundamenta­l skills children need to develop before they are able to write. These skills contribute to the child’s ability to hold and use a pencil, the ability to make marks, draw, write and colour. Manipulati­ng a variety of malleable materials such as play dough helps strengthen the muscles in children’s hands so they are better equipped to move on to more formal writing skills when they are ready. Teachers at TSK use a fun approach to teaching these skills by involving the children in dough disco, finger gym and sensory activities. These skills are promoted within the topics and events planned throughout the year.

Winter Wonderland was no exception. The school looked simply exquisite and parents were queuing up for photograph opportunit­ies. It was a wonderful way for parents, students and teaching teams to celebrate the end of the year 2019. Fun was had by all!

The Principal of TSK, Miss Heather would like to say a special ‘thank you’ to all the TSK parents and family members for their support for yet another very successful event. The next event on the calendar is Sports Day, which will take place next term. TSK simply never sleeps and they like it that way!

If you would like to find out more about The Sunshine Kindergart­en, please visit the website atwww. may also wish to visit our Facebook page; TSK The Sunshine Kindergart­en and Instagram page thesunshin­ekindergar­ten

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Photos from the event.
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