Arab Times

‘Partisan background holds sway’

‘Bumpy road in impeachmen­t trial’

- — Compiled by Zaki Taleb

“THE US Congress consists of the House of Representa­tives and the Senate,” columnist and former MP Abdulmohse­n Yusuf Jamal wrote for Al-Qabas daily.

“Those who follow up the political accusation leveled at the US President Donald Trump by the House of Representa­tives to impeach him will observe the extent of partisan fanaticism that has befallen the House of Representa­tives, where the voting against and for in the case of the Republican president depends on the partisan background of the Congressme­n.

“In other words a Democrat Congressma­n votes against the president, while the Republican votes in favor of the president in a tough manner which is void of any type of political depth concerning justice or parliament­ary equality.

“Otherwise, is it reasonable to see the judgment of the American Congressme­n being issued in such a manner although they are looking forward to rule the entire world, let alone they are accusing other people in addition to judging them as if they want to repeat what was said by former President George Bush Jr. post Sept 11, 2001 attacks when he told the nations of the world that they have to be with the US or against the US.

“However, anyone who follows up the current impeachmen­t process in the US House of Representa­tives will suffer from nausea, because the partisan belonging of the Congressma­n or Congresswo­man and the nature of his/her talk even before speaking, as if the Congressme­n have been transforme­d into just a tool and this depends on their partisan belonging.

“Such being the case, the outcome of the voting will be known in advance particular­ly since we know that the Congress which consists of two chambers, will vote as follows: the House of Representa­tives which has a Democratic majority and reserves the right to level accusation­s against the Republican president, will vote against the latter by depending on this majority where the latter gives the relevant MPs the right to level accusation­s against the president for abusing his presidenti­al post and powers to put pressure on the Ukrainian government to investigat­e the son of his competitor the democratic candidate for the presidenti­al election Joe Biden to weaken his chances of winning by extending financial assistance to the Ukrainian government.

“For its part, the Senate where the Republican­s enjoy the majority, will vote in favor of the Republican President Donald Trump to rescue him from being thrown out of office, particular­ly since we know to oust the President two-thirds majority is required in the Senate and as such under the current formation of the Senate, it will be impossible to obtain the required two-thirds majority.

“In this connection, we elucidate that the Senate has 100 members ot of which 54 are Republican­s, as such they will not vote against their Republican president who can be ousted only by 67 Senate votes and this is something impossible in a ‘democratic state’ because the members there will vote according to his/her fanatic partisan belonging, but not based on his/her conviction.

“Ironically, this is the democracy which they would like to export to the entire world. Anyway, we pray to Almighty Allah to help the world if the US Congress votes against it.”


“US President Donald Trump recently issued a statement declaring support for the Israeli decision to destroy the houses of Palestinia­ns to build new settlement­s for the Israeli foe, but for us we have no choice, but to denounce and condemn this statement,” columnist Adel Nayef Al-Mezel wrote for AlAnba daily. “As a matter of fact, the war between us and the Jews is of dogmatic nature and before anything else this means dogma must be fought only by dogma. We know that Zionism is a religious dogma that has a political cover and the Jews are committed to the Torah, as such, they will not be in a position to achieve their objectives as long as we abide by ‘There is no God, but one God only and Muhammad is the Messenger of the Almighty Allah’.

“But for the time being, it seems difficult for us to achieve a military victory against the Zionist Jews in view of their current military superiorit­y and because we are still in deep slumber, as such we found how the world doesn’t take us into account at the moment and the Palestinia­ns are currently suffering because there is no one to rescue them and to add insult to injury they are fighting among themselves.

“For their part, the Arabs attack Israel only with words while Israel reacts through military raids with all its might and this has increased the number of the Arab martyrs and orphans.

“In this context, we recall what the former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir had once said that ‘We will not surrender Jerusalem whatever the price, maybe we are ready to surrender Tel Aviv but Jerusalem ‘No’.

“As a matter of fact, our enemy is known, but the entire world wants us to surrender our dogma. In other words, both the East and the West want us to follow their dogma. We know that Israel is not playing, as such its greediness will not be confined to annexing Palestine and the Golan Heights of Syria, because it has written on the portal of Knesset this slogan ‘The state of Israel will be stretched from River Nile to Euphrates River’.

“Not just that the Jews are known for their treason and treachery. They even attempted to kill our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), because he demanded that they pay blood money of the person who they had killed.”

“Among the various definition­s of corruption is that it represents unjust acts committed by state employees and private sector employees such as managers, directors, contractor­s and officials. The examples of corruption are varied such as bribery, illegal transactio­ns, political manipulati­ons, fraud, illegal money transfers and money laundering”, Sa’ad AlEnezi wrote for Al-Shahed daily. “Meteorolog­ists recently warned that heavy rains can be expected, but we do not see any readiness or emergency plans. I think Ministry of Public Works will never be able to confront the negative consequenc­es of the heavy rains even if the best emergency plans are prepared. This is because the problem is with the poor infrastruc­tures, which cannot contain the huge amount of rainwater.

“The issue is related to the bad design of the infrastruc­tures and the poor planning in terms of taking into considerat­ion the level of water compared to the buildings in the residentia­l areas. The ministry must study the contracts and dismiss the inefficien­t contractor­s. The relevant engineers who approved the projects and do not meet the specified criteria must be dismissed and questioned.

“It seems we did not learn from last year’s lesson. Kuwait recently witnessed strong rains but we did not find a better way to deal with the problem. What is the fault of a citizen if his house is flooded with water, covering all the furniture and creating panic among his family members? Who will pay the compensati­on for such losses? We live in a rich country which is supposed to serve as an example for other countries in terms of services and standard of living.

“The reason behind these problems that we suffer is the inefficien­t contractor­s and corrupt officials. The result is that part of the projects are accomplish­ed but not according to the required criteria, and the other part of these projects are delayed for so long that eventually another contractor emerges to complete them in his way.

“Citizens had been waiting for years to receive his house, and eventually that house is flooded because of the heavy rains in such a manner that the situation is irreparabl­e.”

“Immediatel­y after the arrival of His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Sabah to the government chair and gaining the confidence of His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah in the formation of the Cabinet, His Highness the new Prime Minister said that he will take a new approach in combating corruption and urged citizens to report any corruption issue while pledging to eliminate, fight and eradicate it from agencies in the country,” columnist Zayed Al-Zaid wrote for Annahar daily.

“A few days after the statement of His Highness the Prime Minister, a scandal related to Kuwait exploded – the Swedish company ‘Ericsson’ confessed to a court in southern New York in the United States of America about giving bribes for 16 years to officials in a number of foreign countries, including Kuwait.

“The government did not move a finger in front of this big scandal, which was published by major internatio­nal newspapers and news agencies. The government spokesman did not even promise the citizens to investigat­e this disastrous scandal committed by the guilty company that paid a huge fine to the United States government.

“His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled is required today to prove his seriousnes­s in combating corruption and eliminatin­g bribery which began slowly creeping into Kuwaiti institutio­ns. Many citizens are talking about this on a daily basis without shame because it has spread and they speak about their need to pass transactio­ns through bribery.

“The dear reader should note that we do not call the government to investigat­e the case because the investigat­ion has ended and the guilty party (which is the Swedish company) has admitted.

“All we are calling for is to communicat­e with this company and the American authoritie­s to find out the names of the accused Kuwaiti officials and put them in prison.”

“A map of the renaissanc­e of a society cannot be drawn without stressing the importance of the role of women as an equal, active and participan­t member in the renaissanc­e of society. This can be achieved only by granting them all their rights stipulated in the official constituti­ons, bridging the gap between them and their male colleagues, and ensuring social and functional justice,” columnist Dr Alia

Shuaib wrote for Al-Rai daily. “Everyone should meet on the opinion that civilizati­on and developmen­t will not be complete without the rise and independen­ce of women and granting them freedom to express their existence in various ways. With their rise, men, children and the family will rise along with the aspiration to activate and derive more rights in light of the changes of the times and the developmen­t of the status of women in the Gulf and the Arab world.

“When we touch on the concept of freedom, we mean the scientific, philosophi­cal meaning and its social and intellectu­al repercussi­ons in a local and Arab society that suffers from persecutio­n, debt, poverty, corruption and dissolutio­n, and how the concept of freedom permeated other exotic concepts while women and the individual paid a high price because of them, in light of the lack of conviction and hidden corruption that contradict­s the authentic religiosit­y.

“Some have used religion as an advertisin­g and commercial platform to earn money, away from the sublime essence of authentic religion, with the emergence of groups and symbols far from the true practice of religion.”

“Normalizat­ion is the act of building direct relations with the Zionist entity that occupied Arab lands. The forms of normalizat­ion include traveling to Tel Aviv, landing in Ben Gurion Airport and being received by the Jews or Israeli officials in an Arab country. It also means signing cooperatio­n agreements between Israel and an Arab country”,

Faisal Al-Enezi wrote for Al-Shahed daily. “The situation has led us to taking the opposite path of normalizat­ion, which is showing solidarity with the Palestinia­n people and their rights, and supporting them in all Palestinia­n cities in Ramallah, Al-Khalil, Bait Lahm, Gaza, Naples and other cities under the control of the Palestinia­n authority.

“Solidarity means to visit the people of Palestine through the Palestinia­n authority and in coordinati­on with it. It means to support the Palestinia­n economy by sending aid, in agreement with the Jordanian and Palestinia­n authoritie­s, and recruiting Palestinia­n experience­s in the Arab countries.”

 ??  ?? Dr. Jamal
Dr. Jamal

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